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Dec 18, 2007
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Has any word been given on whether the US aircraft will have a sticker placed on them before they are actually repainted in the American livery?
austwin1 said:
Has any word been given on whether the US aircraft will have a sticker placed on them before they are actually repainted in the American livery?
Haven't heard any plan, but is that standard operating procedure when airlines merge?  The livery can wait, but the name "over the door" has to change quickly.  I'm surpirsed some forum member here, who is a whiz at Photoshop, hasn't already given us a protoype picture of the hybrid.  (Hint)
On Monday, Dec 9, AA will emerge from Ch 11 and after the unique corporate transactions are done,  US Airways and American Airlines will both be subsidiaries of a new holding company, American Airlines Group.    As others have said, actual combination of the two airlines will take some time, so is there any rush to do anything?   
Isn't that the truth.
It's been 7 years (or is it 8?) and I just saw the AWA logo on the nose gear doors of a 320, A/C number 6xx.  There will be no rush.
nycbusdriver said:
Haven't heard any plan, but is that standard operating procedure when airlines merge?  The livery can wait, but the name "over the door" has to change quickly.  I'm surpirsed some forum member here, who is a whiz at Photoshop, hasn't already given us a protoype picture of the hybrid.  (Hint)
Okay, but only since you asked real nice...
FWAAA said:
On Monday, Dec 9, AA will emerge from Ch 11 and after the unique corporate transactions are done,  US Airways and American Airlines will both be subsidiaries of a new holding company, American Airlines Group.    As others have said, actual combination of the two airlines will take some time, so is there any rush to do anything?
Yes, my friend, a rush like I hope you never have to feel...

The Witch is dead, may she rot in hell.....

I oficially work for a subsidiary of American As of midnite... agony airlines is no more....

I feel like a released prisinor...... I know what a pow feels like..... An abused partner has the feeling of this...l.l.

I want to cry in joy.....its embarrasing.... Its really gone, that trash, crap, low life, bottom feeder airline formerly known as allegheny....... Is fu...ng gone.....

Words escape me, im sorry for anyone who has feelings for that outfit, and there are many.... There parents worked there or for some other reason...l. I dont mean any disrespect....

But your family supported the worst, trash, crap, sh.thole airline in the free world.....

Go ahead, own it... Its yours.... Roll in the stink.l.ll god luv ya, cause nobody else did....

I hope they remove every sign and burn them.... Not a single piece of " memoribelia here"....

Who wants memories of this place....those a called nightmares....!!

24 years and a wake-up call.....l the Wicked Witch "Usair" is dead, thank you, whoever...l
Chockjockey.. I like that not bad at all

im back.... u got to realize until the scs is done we are still 2 separate outfits just under the amr group
Thanks guys.  I thought with the merger closing today some employees might have info on such things to share.
Did you ever notice how you could slip US's blue-belly and red cheat line on the new AA livery?  It's like they left the bottom of the tail blank so that it could slip right on.  I suppose it would need to be a bit more rectilinear in its expression.  And the engine cowls could go blue too. 
OP, until we are under one operation certificate they will be seperate airlines. what you will see is US planes getting painted but the will have a "Operated by US Airways" sticker on them after pant but before one cert. There is no reason for any sticker until the plane is re-painted.
OP, until we are under one operation certificate they will be seperate airlines. what you will see is US planes getting painted but the will have a "Operated by US Airways" sticker on them after pant but before one cert. There is no reason for any sticker until the plane is re-painted.
Is this necessary?  I was flying NW quite a bit around the time of the DL merger, and I never saw DL put an "Operated by Northwest" sticker as the planes were being repainted.
USFlyer said:
Is this necessary?  I was flying NW quite a bit around the time of the DL merger, and I never saw DL put an "Operated by Northwest" sticker as the planes were being repainted.
No, it's not.  The operating certificate has nothing to do with the livery.  Even when they change the names on the airplanes to American, I doubt you will see any "Operated by" disclaimers.

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