Memorial Day

Of course,

You appear on a Memorial Day thread, intended to honor the service and sacrifice of our military men and women, with this totally unrelated attempt to discredit the first lady.

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!

Any fool, watching the video and not engaged in a witch hunt, knows that what she said, and meant, had nothing to do with rewriting or revising history, and everythimg to do with changing the way we do things moving forward.

She didn't mean what you are implying anymore than the Mittster meant that he had literally stuffed women into binders.

And you know it.

Yet, you choose to disgrace this Memorial Day thread with your hate and political fear-mongering.

Disgrace is indeed the appropriate word, for you and your ilk.
Of course,

You appear on a Memorial Day thread, intended to honor the service and sacrifice of our military men and women, with this totally unrelated attempt to discredit the first lady.

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!

Any fool, watching the video and not engaged in a witch hunt, knows that what she said, and meant, had nothing to do with rewriting or revising history, and everythimg to do with changing the way we do things moving forward.

She didn't mean what you are implying anymore than the Mittster meant that he had literally stuffed women into binders.

And you know it.

Yet, you choose to disgrace this Memorial Day thread with your hate and political fear-mongering.

Disgrace is indeed the appropriate word, for you and your ilk.

Damn, I thought it was an ad for a TV show.......

I tell you about Islam at the DNC?
Yeah, we talked about some batshit crazy imam with a tent in the same city as the DNC that said it would be a good idea to take over the world, and how some Americans are so scared that the ~2% Muslim population might actually convert the ~76% who considermthemselves Christian, that they thought there was some threat.

Must not think much of their fellow Christians'' faith... Huh?

We also talked about how there has been a concerted movement by the equally batshit crazy evangelical right to effect a Christian, as in their version of Christianity, takeover of local, state, and federal government. Pat Robertson leading the charge.

Did we talkmabout the religious cult headlining the RNC?

Oh... Almost forgot... Billy decided, after all these years, that it wasn't really a cult, after all.

Except, it is.

Take a good look at the Mormon cult's "mission statement" sometime.

Same exact batshit crazy goal of converting the world.

Credibility--a big fat zero
Yeah, we talked about some batshit crazy imam with a tent in the same city as the DNC that said it would be a good idea to take over the world, and how some Americans are so scared that the ~2% Muslim population might actually convert the ~76% who considermthemselves Christian, that they thought there was some threat.

Must not think much of their fellow Christians'' faith... Huh?

Take a good look at the Mormon cult's "mission statement" sometime.

Same exact batshit crazy goal of converting the world.

Credibility--a big fat zero

Actually it was sanctioned and promoted at the time by the DNC. Or did you forget the original DNC ad I posted?
And if I remember correctly, it was you who ran around like a chicken with its head cut off screaming about how this could start some type terrible Islamic backlash.....and in the end, it wasn't those "batshit crazy Christians" who distanced themselves from promoting Islam at the DNC, but Democrat operatives who were getting inundated with calls from their own "batshit crazy "party members asking why DNC was promoting this. It was then that they pulled all mention from any convention functions and removed 'official DNC linked ads.

If you've forgotten, here's my post:


Here's one religion you missed, it has the same mission statement as others though:

A better and peaceful world is possible — a world where people and nature come before profits. That’s socialism. That’s our vision. We are the Communist Party USA.

They are running DC now if you haven't noticed.

BTW, thank you for your service and dedication.
I didn't say anything about anti-islam backlash

I said the crazy imam was no different than the other crazy proselytizers (sp? Not lookin it up...) in the world

Or the crazy people who are actually so insecure in their fellow christian's faith, and/or scared, that they think there is a snowball's chance of it happening

Make no apologies for the political hacks who run campaigns, never have. They, all of them, obviously blow with the latest breeze

They did, however, distance themselves from the radical

The RNC embraced theirs, and tried to act like he wasn't

Slight difference
I didn't say anything about anti-islam backlash

I said the crazy imam was no different than the other crazy proselytizers (sp? Not lookin it up...) in the world

Or the crazy people who are actually so insecure in their fellow christian's faith, and/or scared, that they think there is a snowball's chance of it happening

Make no apologies for the political hacks who run campaigns, never have. They, all of them, obviously blow with the latest breeze

They did, however, distance themselves from the radical

The RNC embraced theirs, and tried to act like he wasn't

Slight difference

And DNC embraces theirs:

A better and peaceful world is possible — a world where people and nature come before profits. That’s socialism. That’s our vision. We are the Communist Party USA.
Xcpt that is nothing but a fear grenade tossed amongst the right leaning low info voters

No one from the communist party is running anything in DC

The US is not markedly more socialist than it was in any of the previous 4 decades

The government is bigger...and more intrusive into people's personal lives Thanks to Reagan and Dumbwa

Thankfully, Bill and Barry have been, if not successful in stopping the trend, at least a check on its progress

Not to mention the all-consuming military industrial complex

Before you reply, do some research, and if you reply, use facts

One hint, SS disabilities, food stamps, WIC, and nearly all such "public assistance" spending is determined/handed out by local and state employees and agencies, and don't forget to note which states receive the most, and highest percentages.
Xcpt that is nothing but a fear grenade tossed amongst the right leaning low info voters

No one from the communist party is running anything in DC

The US is not markedly more socialist than it was in any of the previous 4 decades

Low info voters go Dem, Pal....

Gov grew under Clinton and GW but it be on steroids now unless you wear them special rose tinted glasses.

LOL.....your freebies are sent from Obama to the forget that little nugget?

You overlook Val Jarret, Van Jones, Ron Bloom, Ron Berwick, Anita Dunn, John Holdren, David Axelrod, Mark Lloyd?

Oh, just extreme socialists with communist roots......sorry about that.
Round and round

And laughable

All of the available evidence on the subject indicates FOX viewers are least well informed, and not many of them are voting dem

None of those folks actually run DC,

No communist policies are in place, that haven't been for years

Government has shrunk during Barry's tenure

The congress, not O, authorizes the spending for those giveaways, and writes the regs collecting the taxes. Still distributed by local and state agencies. Still an ever higher percentage, and total $$, go to red areas of red states, funnelled there by red agency workers.

Maybe that is the new Red (commie...) Invasion
A notable aspect of the July employment report is the decline in public-sector employment. In fact, public-sector employment (i.e. federal, state, and local government jobs) declined in 10 of the past 12 months, in sharp contrast to 29 consecutive months of private-sector job growth. Indeed, falling public employment has been among the largest contributors to unemployment in the United States since the end of the Great Recession.

In this month’s employment analysis, The Hamilton Project examines public-sector employment trends over the last three decades and finds that government employment contracted, both in absolute numbers and as a share of the population, during the Great Recession and throughout the current recovery. Additionally, we report on the results of a new analysis that finds that the cuts in public school teachers are projected to reduce the future earnings of today’s students by more than five times as much as the current budget savings.
A notable aspect of the July employment report is the decline in public-sector employment. In fact, public-sector employment (i.e. federal, state, and local government jobs) declined in 10 of the past 12 months, in sharp contrast to 29 consecutive months of private-sector job growth. Indeed, falling public employment has been among the largest contributors to unemployment in the United States since the end of the Great Recession.

In this month’s employment analysis, The Hamilton Project examines public-sector employment trends over the last three decades and finds that government employment contracted, both in absolute numbers and as a share of the population, during the Great Recession and throughout the current recovery. Additionally, we report on the results of a new analysis that finds that the cuts in public school teachers are projected to reduce the future earnings of today’s students by more than five times as much as the current budget savings.

Sequester is fed speak for Now Hiring; government posts 27,000 high-paying job openings

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