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Memo to the Employees

Dec 21, 2002
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I honestly did not know that internet priveys were allowed at St. E's.I am way outta the loop.
I honestly did not know that internet priveys were allowed at St. E's.I am way outta the loop.
It has been a long time since I lasted posted on this message board. It seems that the employees have not taken my previous advice. Remember last year how I advised the employees, especially the CWA, that they should accept everything that the company has offered.
Rakesh Gangwal is a man of vision that saw the future of this company. He was the leading force behind the great dynamic duo. Unfortunately, Stephen Wolf didn’t live up to his partner’s ability. Gangwal should be the current Chairman of USAIRWAYS.
I have been very impressed with Dave Siegel during this critical time with the company. The dynamic duo is now gone, but their actions will leave a lasting positive impression. It is time to past the torch and I would like to appoint a new team. Siegel and Bronner are the new leading force behind this company. Dave & Dave or as I will now call them, the “Double D’sâ€￾ will lead the employees to the promise land.
The employees don''t want to take their chances with a possible liquidation. This is not the time to send a message to the management team. Carefully evaluate both sides of the issue and make the right choice for families. Look at the available employment options outside of this company. Remember, Chapter 7 will mean no severance while you try to seek other employment. Remember that your unemployment check will average $800-1200 per month depending upon your location. That doesn''t include the $300-500 per month that the Cobra insurance will cost for your family.
The customer service based employees will have the opportunity to use their skills in other professions, but not even close to their current salary. A message to the mechanics, there is an influx of furlough mechanics in the industry and the employment market can''t be promising within your trade. I would like to hear from the mechanics who are voting no and what options do you plan to take if your company files for Chapter 7? It is time to give the current management team a chance to prove their actions. What else do you expect Dave Siegel to do with this company? Not ask for concessions to compete with the competitors? It is the ATSB who is requiring that this company meets certain issues to obtain the loan.
It is vital that the employee groups vote yes for the latest concessions. Even though I have a thriving law practice, I will be more than happy to answer any legality questions. Bankruptcy law isn’t my area of concentration, but I will forward your questions to my associate. I am here for the employees. Remember, the Uinvestor does care!
It is time to put pressure on the unions to ratify these concessions. As a US1, I want to see this company survive, even though most of my non-stop LGA service has been eliminated. Ben Baldanza, you are a marketing genius, you have developed a special bond with your customers. It is time to properly market this airline in 2003.
>From the Uinvestor, I would like to wish everyone a happy holiday. Remember, Vote Yes if you want a happy 2003.
He is back for sure. Remember folks a leopard never changes its spots.
He is back for sure. Remember folks a leopard never changes its spots.
I must say that allot of employees feel they are treated terrible by the company and now say they will vote 'NO' since they do not want to work for less at a place that treats them so poorly. People 'WILL' find other jobs and in most cases will end up happier even if they would happen to work for less wages. This reminds me of someone holding a gun to your head and saying "I am going to kill you". After hearing it for so long you just tell them to shoot you. End your misery.

----"Remember you get what you pay for in life (and in employees)".

----"If you keep kicking the dog don't scream when he bites you".

----"Being abused is reason for insanity and also a legal defense".
I must say that allot of employees feel they are treated terrible by the company and now say they will vote 'NO' since they do not want to work for less at a place that treats them so poorly. People 'WILL' find other jobs and in most cases will end up happier even if they would happen to work for less wages. This reminds me of someone holding a gun to your head and saying "I am going to kill you". After hearing it for so long you just tell them to shoot you. End your misery.

----"Remember you get what you pay for in life (and in employees)".

----"If you keep kicking the dog don't scream when he bites you".

----"Being abused is reason for insanity and also a legal defense".
On 12/22/2002 7:43:45 PM PineyBob wrote:

OK wanna clue me in on the Univestor?? Who is he??
In a nutshell, someone(an alleged lawyer) who has repeatedly bashed any sort of union ship or protection rights for employees of US or any airline, who diminishes the importance of any CS agent to minimum wage status, who demeans the skillsmanship and brains of airline employees to that of a seamstress or below. And then turns around and offers legal assistance at exorbitant attorney rates. And that is just the nutshell, for a nutcase.
On 12/22/2002 7:43:45 PM PineyBob wrote:

OK wanna clue me in on the Univestor?? Who is he??
In a nutshell, someone(an alleged lawyer) who has repeatedly bashed any sort of union ship or protection rights for employees of US or any airline, who diminishes the importance of any CS agent to minimum wage status, who demeans the skillsmanship and brains of airline employees to that of a seamstress or below. And then turns around and offers legal assistance at exorbitant attorney rates. And that is just the nutshell, for a nutcase.

Uinvestor (or whatever its calling itself these days) is a wind-up artist, a troll, a person looking for attention by stirring the pot. Pay it no mind, it will either go away on its own or be banned from posting. I believe that's what happened to it on PlaneBusiness.com


Uinvestor (or whatever its calling itself these days) is a wind-up artist, a troll, a person looking for attention by stirring the pot. Pay it no mind, it will either go away on its own or be banned from posting. I believe that's what happened to it on PlaneBusiness.com


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