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Medical Payroll Deductions Sky Rocket

My World said:
We welcome all of you to come back and make a difference!

Make a difference? Right, lower the industry standards and make a difference, just what we always to do. Thanks, but no thanks.
My comments were directed at two individuals who have lost sight, They would rather see the Industry follow the way of Eastern than stand up and fight! They are willing to allow their fellow brothers to be laid off instead of bring work in-house to keep them employed!

The Insurance will rise as more members participate and AA is getting harder on paying the justified medical bills! I dont like it anymore than anyone else but the fact still remains AA is allowed per the contract and the contract was ratified!

As for our work, we both volunteer and work to help out fellow brothers and sisters. We have chosen our paths wisely.

The TWU is the Smart Choice in Representation! Keep up the Great Job!
Checking it Out,Oct 4 2004, 09:40 PM]
My comments were directed at two individuals who have lost sight, They would rather see the Industry follow the way of Eastern than stand up and fight!

Are you saying that the workers of Eastern did not fight?

Exactly how do you define fighting? Lay down and do what your opponent tells you to do?

They are willing to allow their fellow brothers to be laid off instead of bring work in-house to keep them employed!

Not only do we have thousands on layoff from AA but thousands more jobs have been eliminated through attrition. So if we are losing all these jobs anyway why did we give more concessions than anyone else? That $310 million, our share, is probably double that by now.

The Insurance will rise as more members participate and AA is getting harder on paying the justified medical bills!

A few months back you guys were yelling about how UAL workers were going to have to pay $200/month for medical, well we are close to that now plus the fact that we have all those copays and the fact we have to fight to get them to pay half the time. So not only are we paying just as much, we have been paying for over twelve years.

Remember when we got "Flex" benifits? THe TWU sold it as an improvement over the fully company paid plan.

I dont like it anymore than anyone else but the fact still remains AA is allowed per the contract and the contract was ratified!

So its the members fault for ratifying the contract?

As for our work, we both volunteer and work to help out fellow brothers and sisters. We have chosen our paths wisely.

No doubt it is paying off well for you.

The TWU is the Smart Choice in Representation! Keep up the Great Job!

How would you know? When is the last time you were afforded the choice of representation? Dont worry, next year you will get to make your pick.[
Checking it Out said:
My comments were directed at two individuals who have lost sight, They would rather see the Industry follow the way of Eastern than stand up and fight! They are willing to allow their fellow brothers to be laid off instead of bring work in-house to keep them employed!

The Insurance will rise as more members participate and AA is getting harder on paying the justified medical bills! I dont like it anymore than anyone else but the fact still remains AA is allowed per the contract and the contract was ratified!

As for our work, we both volunteer and work to help out fellow brothers and sisters. We have chosen our paths wisely.

The TWU is the Smart Choice in Representation! Keep up the Great Job!

You have got to be joking stand up and fight. The twu int'l was serving us up on a plate to the company while they were filling there pockets. Remember the raises that Int'l officers got? I guess you conveniently forgot this little piece of information. Its funny that you mention Eastern and not Pan Am. Is there a reason for that??????????? I always thought that the more people that participate in a plan
the less expensive the insurance is. I think that they call these group plans RIGHT? Justified medical bills sounds like a real company sucka$$ to me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't like it either but the company is allowed by contract and the contract was ratified. This sounds more like WITHOUT FURTHER RATIFICATION I JIM LITTLE WILL SCREW THE HELL OUT OF MY MEMBERSHIP.

To all of the AMFA supporters remember that persistance pays off in the long run and that the company,twu and NMB only delayed the inevitable.
767 mechanic said:
To all of the AMFA supporters remember that persistance pays off in the long run and that the company,twu and NMB only delayed the inevitable.

Couldn't agree more 767 mechanic. Actually I think it has become a precedence of two filing to throw out company unions for real ones!!!
Checking it Out said:
My comments were directed at two individuals who have lost sight, They would rather see the Industry follow the way of Eastern than stand up and fight!
The TWU is the Smart Choice in Representation! Keep up the Great Job!

Thanks for the great comment, it's hanging on at least a dozen bulletin boards. FYI...The EAL boys are highly insulted, except the twu welcomed with open arm scabs of course.

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