On 5/3/2003 4:51:45 PM RV4 wrote:
Are you paid by the company to attempt shutdown of all threads that show dollar figures that prove we have been treated unfairly by both AA and the Union?
I am not being paid by the company, nor will I likely ever be again. My former position is being contracted out and my old office shut down and moved.
I realize that all the employees took cuts. You lost some pay, and I am very sorry for you and all the rest of the employees. Belts will need to be tightened. But the airline did not go away and a lot of people are still employed that would not have been if the airline had gone into bankruptcy. I consider this a good thing. RV4, you think the rest of the mechanics would have been any less unhappy with the cuts they would have taken in BK?
I believe that the union made the choice that was the lesser of two evils. Evil, but not as evil as BK.
We can speculate all we want about how the cuts and changes will affect the bottom line and the CASM. But there are too many things that we do not know about. We don''t know about how the items management has identified and implemented will impact things. We have already seen some of the cuts and changes go into effect (management staff cuts, rolling hubs, etc.) We don''t know how the economy will react to the end of the war, etc. And we don''t know how the other airlines will react to their financial situations.
For right now, AA is surviving. Where it goes from there is up to the employees. If they want to buckle down, and do their jobs to the best of their abilities, then the salaries and the benefits and the jobs will come back *eventually*. If not, and you go the route of trying to take down the management and get your revenge, then all that will end up happening will be a whole lot of employees (including most of you) losing more money and quite possibly their jobs. And the management will skate on by, off to another job.
But for now, remember that you as mechanics are still being paid better than most two-income households in this country. Most people would kill for your salary, even with the cuts.