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from bob owens;

Hey CIO what about me? I''m involved and representing my coworkers but since I dont agree with your ideology of "shrink the paychecks to swell the membership" you say that I should resign. By "getting involved" do you mean "buying into being the industry leader in concessions"?

Actually Bob I classify you below the Membership! somewhere under my shoe in the pig farm! You claim to represent the Members while collecting dues and all you do is tear down and mis-Inform the Membership. You represent your own personal agenda a me attitude!

The TWU is a Great Union and I am Proud to be represented by them and I can honestly go to bed knowing I did the best Job for which I took an oath to do! Can You! Ethics and Morals you lack!

TWU SOLIDARITY! Learn the truth.
On 7/15/2003 6:21:23 AM Checking it Out wrote:

Actually Bob I classify you below the Membership!

Below the membership? Shouldnt the membership be on top? You statement implies that you classify the membership as lowly. Do you?

somewhere under my shoe in the pig farm!

So now we know what you really do, a pig farmer!

You claim to represent the Members while collecting dues and all you do is tear down and mis-Inform the Membership.

Be specific and tell me where I misinformed the members.

You represent your own personal agenda a me attitude!

No I represent my members, and its an "us" attitude.

The TWU is a Great Union and I am Proud to be represented by them and I can honestly go to bed knowing I did the best Job for which I took an oath to do! Can You!

Is that why you hide behind an alias? Is easy to make statements that you will not stand behind with your name.

Ethics and Morals you lack!

Coming from you that statement means nothing.

TWU SOLIDARITY! Learn the truth.

CIO said to Bob Owens : Ethics and Morals you lack!

This is why as J7915 states that 60% of the TWU membership at TUL votes for the GOP....
On 7/15/2003 12:40:50 AM j7915 wrote:

On 7/15/2003 12:23:58 AM Buck wrote:

So if you know, why do you not believe the membership should vote these people in and have the constitutional right to vote them out.


Buck, First who are the individuals that appointed Jim Little and Sonny Hall?

After your answer I''ll follow up. to be honest I am not certain and furhter it is too hot in Tulsa right now for me to build up an "I care" about it.

Till your reply.

Ok I retract my statement that Sonny Hal was not elected. However did the Local membership of 514 receive ballots? And I believe that Jim Little was appointed? by Sonny Hall?
On 7/15/2003 10:59:52 AM Buck wrote:

CIO said to Bob Owens : Ethics and Morals you lack!

This is why as J7915 states that 60% of the TWU membership at TUL votes for the GOP....

What do''es this have to do with MCI?????????
On 7/15/2003 10:56:57 AM Buck wrote:


On 7/15/2003 12:40:50 AM j7915 wrote:


On 7/15/2003 12:23:58 AM Buck wrote:

So if you know, why do you not believe the membership should vote these people in and have the constitutional right to vote them out.


Buck, First who are the individuals that appointed Jim Little and Sonny Hall?

After your answer I''ll follow up. to be honest I am not certain and furhter it is too hot in Tulsa right now for me to build up an "I care" about it.

Till your reply.


Ok I retract my statement that Sonny Hal was not elected. However did the Local membership of 514 receive ballots? And I believe that Jim Little was appointed? by Sonny Hall?

Buck thank you for your reply, you answered a question I had.

Now let me state why I believe that direct elections for national officers are not the best idea.

First as a for instance, the IBT does it that way and they don''t seem to get the best representation.

With union members spread across the country, can you honestly say that, you could for instance make your self known to all the members were you to run for an office at the national level? The logistics are for all practical purposes insurmountable, as long as you are a working union member in TUlsa for instance.

I don''t mean a whistle stop at the largest locals, does that kind of thing really show a candidate''s abilities? If we go by the fact that he may have been a popular candidate at his local, then we may have some track record, to go by.

The members of each local''s board do in fact interact more with each other than they do with other''s locals members. They are really an unknown quantity to the system at large.

So why should the membership not trust the abilities of their elected officials in picking the most qualified from among their group to manage the national? If you can''t trust the leadership of locals that encompass the majority of the members then they should not hold their positions in first place.

May I remind you that the State legislatures once voted for US Senators? There were several reasons, but one was because Senators are elected state wide and in the past it was difficult to make the circuit. US Representatives represented smaller constituencies and could make the rounds.

As for filling positions by appointment, again you can refer back to the US Constitution, vacant Senator''s seats are generally filled by action of State Governors. It expedites the matter, and the appointee only serves the balance of the term anyway. May the incumbent leave office in the first year.

From all this you can take that I have more faith in indirect elections of National Union officers than in the political circus that plays out when the IBT for example has elections. For that matter who has ever challenged Dell? How can you get enough publicity, and name recognition?
On 7/16/2003 11:22:25 AM j7915 wrote:


Is that what I said? Those 60% vote GOP because they are too weak willed to control their own actions, they need big brother to point out right from wrong. They are also busy bodies who want to dictate ethics to others.

Remember the three hot-button items of Oklahoma, Buckle-of-the-Bible-Belt politics

No not weak willed, but to busy to get involved witht the inner workings of their own labor union. What about attendance at the local meetings? As for Big Brother, maybe they don''t require the TWU to be Big Brother. I am not dictating anything, remember I cannot even attend meetings, but I do have the right to self expression, as do you. Ethics are not dictated they are voted for or against. Just because the members at the largest local do not see union politics as you do you claim that they are what, Bible Thumpers who practice Bible-Belt politics?
On 7/15/2003 12:47:38 PM MCI transplant wrote:


On 7/15/2003 10:59:52 AM Buck wrote:

CIO said to Bob Owens : Ethics and Morals you lack!

This is why as J7915 states that 60% of the TWU membership at TUL votes for the GOP....

What do''es this have to do with MCI?????????

Is that what I said? Those 60% vote GOP because they are too weak willed to control their own actions, they need big brother to point out right from wrong. They are also busy bodies who want to dictate ethics to others.

Remember the three hot-button items of Oklahoma, Buckle-of-the-Bible-Belt politics
On 7/15/2003 12:47:38 PM MCI transplant wrote:

On 7/15/2003 10:59:52 AM Buck wrote:

CIO said to Bob Owens : Ethics and Morals you lack!

This is why as J7915 states that 60% of the TWU membership at TUL votes for the GOP....

What do''es this have to do with MCI?????????

Everything when TUL Local 514 pulls a roll call vote.
Why dont you guys open up a union and politics thread and hash it out there?

NOW...Back to the topic.

My Opinion. The Early Fall decision on MCI is DIRECTLY related to the September 9th Tulsa vote on a sales tax increase. MCI will be closed and the decision has already been made, but if the Tulsa voters were told this in advance, they wouldn't vote to give out more Corporate Welfare in the form of an affirmative vote on a 13 year sales tax election in early September.

If I were a mechanic at MCI, I would be looking close at my future employment decisions today and with serious effort.


Just my opinion, of course.
I think MCI is made up mostly mechanic and related craft and class employees, any closing leads to a discussion on seniority issues and bump rights, which will be directly related to the labor agreement.

The TWU vs. AMFA debate is very important when it comes to maintenance base closures.

The TWU has been attacking AMFA for months now about the closure of NWA maintenance bases, and now that the issue hits home, they want to turn into a "non-issue" between AMFA and TWU supporters.

Buzz off, you thought police, debate control, mind spinning, wonders.

This is an open forum and this issue is directly related to the AMFA vs. TWU debate.
Can we put aside the TWU vs. AMFA debate, and all your quoting of union work rules to discuss opinions on the keeping or closure of the MCI Overhaul Base? Some of us would like to know if we could get jobs there someday --- or if the base will be relegated to winter Recreational Vehicle storage.
On 7/18/2003 9:31:58 PM flaptrack wrote:

Can we put aside the TWU vs. AMFA debate, and all your quoting of union work rules to discuss opinions on the keeping or closure of the MCI Overhaul Base? Some of us would like to know if we could get jobs there someday --- or if the base will be relegated to winter Recreational Vehicle storage.

MIght as well close the AA thread if your going to put aside the TWU vs AMFA debate. It''s sort of like that "six degrees of separation" game....give them any topic and in less than 6 posts it will become an AMFA vs TWU thread,.
Can we put aside the TWU vs. AMFA debate, and all your quoting of union work rules to discuss opinions on the keeping or closure of the MCI Overhaul Base? Some of us would like to know if we could get jobs there someday --- or if the base will be relegated to winter Recreational Vehicle storage.

(Posted twice)

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