On 4/17/2003 5:13:12 PM eolesen wrote:
Good comparison to EAL/Texas Air. Hadn't thought about that one. Eastern paid Texas Air far more in service fees than Texas Air ever put into it... The major difference is that we were a third party to CDN, as opposed to being part of the same corporation.
On 4/17/2003 5:13:12 PM eolesen wrote:
Good comparison to EAL/Texas Air. Hadn't thought about that one. Eastern paid Texas Air far more in service fees than Texas Air ever put into it... The major difference is that we were a third party to CDN, as opposed to being part of the same corporation.
Not really. First Texas Air stole the system from EAL then charged EAL to use it. Did Canadien finance the developement of the services or did AMR? The question is what was the value of the services that AMR provided? Was it $500 Million or $323 Million?