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McCarthy out of speaker race

Hackman said:
Look the big brain on the Quagtard. 
So Blinky The Clown, Nasty Pelosi was your Speaker hero?
Was a man, now a woman, changing back to a man soon.
Is white, purple and pink with polka dots, all at the same time.
Believes in Voodoo economics, but only in broke dick Komifornia.
Wants the government in your gun vault, your money vault (except hers of course) and any other vault, house, garage, and any structure you have. What's yours, is now ours at the gov't.  Blinky...blink.
Climate change is real, except for at the Pelosi mansion. "I'll water my lawn when I feel like it....your all nobody compared to me, Nancy P". "Now get off my lawn maggots".
Always does what the black dictator says.
Nancy isn't a racist either, she owns several Africans at her mansion in Komifornia.
You know 'Hack,......................I can read, feel, hear your ANGER, that you are loaded with, over your partys horrid inability to win a POTUS election, which is ANGERING you even further by the fact (whether you will admit it or not) that with the herd of CLOWNS in the CLOWN Car are unable to Win, and put you guys sitting @ '1600.
You guys SIMPLY don't have a 'horse' in this race, that can go the distance.  Romney was your best shot in '12, but he blew it, with his Ill timed 47% blooper.
I'm not 'breaking em' this time. I'm talking very clear human logic that I can definitely see, (ANGER) eminating from you.
ANGER is a powerful emotion 'Hack.  Don't fight it,.........just validate it.        Only then will you start to feel better.
And to show you I'm being genuine, I'm Definitely NOT going to tell you that My side has anything NEAR a perfect candidate, but who ever we have, can go the distance and finish the (horse) race !
I KNOW it, and You KNOW it.   Hence your ANGER.
Hey, Hack.  How about you TELL me WHO's gonna' go 'wire to wire' from your side !     HUCKABEE ?   JINDAL  ?  PAUL  ?  CARLY  ????????   .................. WHO  ?????????
Glenn Quagmire said:
I know who the next Speaker will be, however, since I've sworn to secrecy I can only give you hints.
It's a guy.
He's white.
Believes in trickle-down supply-side voodoo economics.
Strong supporter of keeping the government OUT of gun lockers but IN women's hoo-has.
Never served a day in his life but wants to go to war all over the place.
Thinks climate change is a hoax.
Always does what his plutocrat bosses ask.
...and he knows a black guy so don't think he is a racist.
As long as he is not a Socialist!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
You know 'Hack,......................I can read, feel, hear your ANGER, that you are loaded with, over your partys horrid inability to win a POTUS election, which is ANGERING you even further by the fact (whether you will admit it or not) that with the herd of CLOWNS in the CLOWN Car are unable to Win, and put you guys sitting @ '1600.
You guys SIMPLY don't have a 'horse' in this race, that can go the distance.  Romney was your best shot in '12, but he blew it, with his Ill timed 47% blooper.
I'm not 'breaking em' this time. I'm talking very clear human logic that I can definitely see, (ANGER) eminating from you.
ANGER is a powerful emotion 'Hack.  Don't fight it,.........just validate it.        Only then will you start to feel better.
And to show you I'm being genuine, I'm Definitely NOT going to tell you that My side has anything NEAR a perfect candidate, but who ever we have, can go the distance and finish the (horse) race !
I KNOW it, and You KNOW it.   Hence your ANGER.
Hey, Hack.  How about you TELL me WHO's gonna' go 'wire to wire' from your side !     HUCKABEE ?   JINDAL  ?  PAUL  ?  CARLY  ????????   .................. WHO  ?????????
How can you say anything at all about the GOP....BIGOT?

Hitlery's going to prison!
Sander's a whack job!
And Biden.....well, we good all use a good comedian!
Dog Wonder said:
Look, its Southwind!
Thanks! We all know you've yet to come up with a funny one sentence reply yet, though you give hell every time you post!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
You know 'Hack,......................I can read, feel, hear your ANGER, that you are loaded with, over your partys horrid inability to win a POTUS election, which is ANGERING you even further by the fact (whether you will admit it or not) that with the herd of CLOWNS in the CLOWN Car are unable to Win, and put you guys sitting @ '1600.
You guys SIMPLY don't have a 'horse' in this race, that can go the distance.  Romney was your best shot in '12, but he blew it, with his Ill timed 47% blooper.
I'm not 'breaking em' this time. I'm talking very clear human logic that I can definitely see, (ANGER) eminating from you.
ANGER is a powerful emotion 'Hack.  Don't fight it,.........just validate it.        Only then will you start to feel better.
And to show you I'm being genuine, I'm Definitely NOT going to tell you that My side has anything NEAR a perfect candidate, but who ever we have, can go the distance and finish the (horse) race !
I KNOW it, and You KNOW it.   Hence your ANGER.
Hey, Hack.  How about you TELL me WHO's gonna' go 'wire to wire' from your side !     HUCKABEE ?   JINDAL  ?  PAUL  ?  CARLY  ????????   .................. WHO  ?????????
Bears, your as nutty as a squirrel turd, it's a stretch to take your special type of wack seriously. Have you gone for a Alzheimer test lately? Your losing it. Are you that angry old man that yells at kids on the sidewalk and calls the police about a little noise? Your demented bigoted diatribes against Southerners is just as vile and ignorant. Get a grip.
Lets go down the list of your misguided nonsensical idiocy and see if make any sense of it at all, probably a waste of my time. In addition, the UP down  CAPS on writing style with these.......... and those????????? is so hard to read. Really, let go of the CAPS button gramps, it makes you look like your mental door is off it's hinges, as it is. What the hell is a "clown car"? Have you joined the circus with the soon to be felon Hilldabeast? What are you smoking out in the Nor' Easta flood zone?
First off, I don't have a "party", they both suck. Just that the Democrat libtards really sucks far, far more and do exponentially more damage to the country than the other, no question. As we have just witnessed with 7 years of Barry Nobammy failures, the worst US president in history, bar none. Soon to be 20 Trillion in dept from his spending, the most in US history combined. Disemboweled the military. He goes around the Congress and the Constitution. He ignores laws he doesn't like. He is flooding the country with uneducated illegals and/or 3rd world criminals from Mexico for votes.  He is now wanting to bring in 200,000 3rd world 7th Century Muslims from Syria as "refugees" that will probably turn out to be ISIS terrorists. He blames law abiding gun owners for murders by crazies and then turns around this week and lets out 6000 felon criminals from prison. He ignores the hundreds of shooting and murders in his home town of Chiraq.  Putin laughs at the weakness and ineffectiveness of Nobammy. This country is more dysfunctional and broken than it ever was under Bush. The biggest lie ever told: Barry Nobammy, "The Most Transparent President" in US history, is anything but. Who side is Barry Obammy on?  Not America's. Is he the anti-christ? Looks like it.
Yet, here you are Bears apparently having a meltdown about November 2016 elections, with your insane predictions of how Hilldabeast (soon to be The Pantsuit Felon), Burnie the Socialist, or a Joe the Gaffe Czar are going to positively rule the 2016 elections that are a whole year away. Going "wire to wire' after 8 years of Nobammy? Remember that Bush won the White House and was in office 8 years before the current Nobammy disaster, and now you think the libtards are going to rule another 4 years starting in 2016 Bears?  FAT CHANCE. Really. A great big fat greasy
I don't know who from the GOP will be left a year from now, same with DEMs, and neither do you. It won't really matter now, we have fallen so far I don't think we can recover from Nobammy. But I can tell you this, with the African sickness that has been in the Whitehouse for the last 7 years, it won't be Nobammys 3rd term in 2016 with the three DEMs you named.  
YOU are the one that's angry Gramps, and in 2016 the men in white are coming to get you for the "Angry Libtard" straight jacket.
You really put a lot of effort into your reply, and seriously, i thank you !
As I said before, both sides leave a lot to be desired, that's a given, but here is where i Most ....disagree with you.
We're always going to have ...rich and poor, thats a given, BUT......after Bill Clinton, the middle class worker in this country has been decimated by the GOP (Bush/Cheney). Corperate profits are going through the Roof while middle class wages have remained Stagnent.  Why 'Hack, Why ?  The answer is, the GOP doesn't believe in a middle class, thats why.  The GOP detests Unions, who more than anyone/anything else  see's to it that middle class wages survive.  It would make NO difference if Jesus was a democrat president in the WH, because as long as you have a congress controlled by the GOP, the middle class worker is...D.  O.  A.  !
And thats why I don't care WHO the nominee is, just as long as we keep the GOP out of '1600, and(as it looks like it's going to happen) that the  " D's "  retake the Senate !   As long as the GOP keeps thwarting a middle class, then the flip side of the coin is, that there will be More   ($$)  " Govt. Hand-Outs " !
Your turn now, Mr. Hackman. 
Dog Wonder said:
Pearls before swine.

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