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Massive Psa Cancelations

I think it should be 1 hour minimum connection for all flights. This would eliminate alot of stress on the customers. This would allow some flexibility when there is weather, ground holds, holding patterns, etc. Customers get really edgey and nervous when things get tight.
Brownstreak said:
PSA is having us all re-bid for August because of all these problems. Apparently they based the bid on the number of A/C we had, not the number of crews we had trained to fly them, hence the problem.
No comment really needed! :shock:
Saw a note today in Sabre that they are FINALLY going to go in and canx PSA flights for August because of the crew problems. 2 months after it started isnt too bad is it? :down: The flights affected will be deleted with the schedule change to be loaded tonight. All I can say is, its about da**ed time!
...well i hope they are getting a handle on that because it is hard for me to offer a PSA flt knowing the odds are against them that they will get there. and as you guys know a lot of these psgrs will book the last possible flt to their destination to JUST make it in time for the wedding or funeral or graduation, etc etc and then they call us screamin and want us to work miracles to get them there when their flt cancels...

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