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Management Watch

On 2/17/2003 7:15:59 PM TomBascom wrote:

It's not just pay rates -- in at least some areas it's productivity. And that has a lot to do with how you choose to do business.

US management will have to come to grips with these issues sooner or later.

Thank you, sir. That is my point.
Thanks diogenes. My log book style of writing leaves a bit to be desired.
There is absolutely NOTHING in the fleet service contract to prevent management from assigning as many gates, or any other fleet service duties, as it wishes, to any employee, or groups of employees. There is NO contractual minimum staffing for ANY fleet service duty. The same is true of the CWA contract.

Moreover, in the CWA/Fleet contracts, cross-utilization between fleet and customer service is allowed in class II operations, up to 25% of each employee's scheduled hours. IT NEVER HAPPENS! Who writes the schedule, and assigns duties? It ain't labor!

The ONLY barriers in the fleet contract is to prevent us from doing any ALPA or AFA work, and to a lesser degree, IAM mech. The walls between IAM mech and fleet work have been severely breached during concessions.


We live in a results-oriented culture. Let's have a look.

Who's responsible for U's stellar DOT numbers? Executing the daily operation? Executing whatever plan comes down from above, which is subject to daily change without notice?

Who's responsible for U's dismal balance sheet? Strategy?

Lastly, has anybody seen ANYTHING other than Gangwhal's Plan 'B'?
On 2/17/2003 3:21:32 PM geo1004 wrote:

Removing A-320's from the Shuttle routes that do not warrant that capacity and moving them to the Florida/Carribean markets is a good move IMO.

Adding Shannon and Dublin to the international destination list should provide good seasonal revenue.

Froma customer comfort standpoint, all transcons going to Airbus is a good move (with the occasional 767 to LAX).

SOMEONE in management had the brains to reign in Ben Baldanza and his now infamous "let's see how much we can piss off our top customers" schemes.

All sensible and welcome moves.

Obviously worthy of the $6 mil premium, yes?
[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/11.gif']