On 2/18/2003 5:34:23 PM Steiner wrote:
On 2/18/2003 4:41:58 PM sdavis29 wrote:
you forgot 1 point....
even if employees wanted to help...most of the contracts forbid it....
grievance greivance greivance....
It must be a really strong ramp contract that has language in it that prevents working adjacent gates. And greivances have what kind of power with the company? All in all it sounds like management is not effectively using its resources, and the unions are getting the blame for management's inadequacies.
Unions are about creating jobs and saving jobs, and job security. That is the premise for this kind of language in contracts.
From a management stand point, it is more efficient to have employees cross over and do multiple tasks and encompass different job descriptions and responsibilities. Yes. That does make more sense in economics. However, it eliminates jobs, and that is counterproductive for our union bussiness that has the philosophy to grow the nunbers, which is economical from our perspective.
If you take your idea and apply it to management, as well, how come they don't decrease their senior mangement numbers with all those 34 vice presidents (which have been increased while our numbers have decreased)and have them do multiple tasks and cross over and take on more departments? Why do we need all these managers and directors. We have created many more in Inflight alone. Personally, I would be more apt to rethink my union position if management would put in place their own philosophy. As you know, our staffing on the planes has decreased substantially just recently. However, senior mangement numbers remain at a constant.
Point, "practice what is preached". Otherwise, the only job security there is and we're seeing is mangement.