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Management Owes Us An Apology

usairways_vote_NO said:
Can you provide proof they worked for free or did you get suckered into that media lie too?
I cannot "prove" it to you, other than to take my word....management and line pilots alike worked for free in PHL baggage for a least 3 days. Best. Greeter.
why dont we just move on and concentrate on something you CAN DO RIGHT!
usfliboi said:
why dont we just move on and concentrate on something you CAN DO RIGHT!
I am MANY others have and are doing exactly that fly child, moved on. You should try it and save you pride, your very soul which you seem to want to give to the company buffoons.
usfliboi said:
why dont we just move on and concentrate on something you CAN DO RIGHT!
If I remember correctly, you were one of the ones blaming the employees (like Lakefield and the rest of U management). Now that the IG has issued it's findings as to the cause of the Christmas "meltdown" being totally the fault of management, Do YOU think an apology is in order? Or would you just like to have one not issued and "move on". Also, I have not seen any comments on the IG's report from USA320 Pilot or Hawk. Interesting.
call offs for flight attendants were lower for the 24th and 25th in Phl and slightly higher for the 26th. Flight hours in phl had increased from 2003 though while they had less flight attendants in the phl base than 03. They knew this was comming. Whether the call offs were not real sick calls or not, the company has scaled back to the bare bones and has nobody to stand in for ANY call offs. Not very good planning. How many companies out there dont have a higher call off rate over the holidays? Not many I'm sure. I don't condone calling off when you dont need to but most were junior quick calls who probably thought "I want to be with my family the hell with it".....responsible? NO understandable YES.
PineyBob said:
CCY still has the "Customer & employee as enemy" mindset and Labor wallows in the "We got screwed" mode. Neither is helpful. The effort to rebuild US Airways must come from everyone working together to right the wrongs of the past so that there can be a future.

Have the scewings stopped?

They have not - they continue unabated.

For ANY progress to be made, the beatings must cease FIRST, and NOW.

Otherwise, labor is just an enabling, battered wife.

At this point, you cannot blame the employees for checking out.
The beatings will continue until the morale improves.

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