Management Change



It seems to me that Parker and Kirby should soon be shown the door. They have achieved the last place in most costomer complaints, on time performance, and baggage in the industry! They have alienated the PILOTS to the point that the fuel waste has become astronomical! The new uniforms will not be worn. We should order the optional hat, however, because they will pay for it!
There is universal hatred for the company because of the leadership.
They are not leaders or managers. They are robber barrons here to make deals and move on. The DELTA deal was Parker's "BIG DEAL" and it failed. Good! They can't run anything without a "deal" involving stock and money for them.
The merger with AWA is a disaster, FAILURE!
Reservation System, Failure!
On time performance, Failure!
Baggage reliability, Failure!
Customer Complaints, Failure!
The worst, and most shattering issue is that they have destroyed any possibility of EVER having the employees
feel any love or responsibility for the mess they have created.
Drucker and other motivational courses were not electives in these clowns curiculim. They concentrated on accounting, and screw labor courses.

Recent reports indicate the fuel burn needs to be addressed. It will become ASTRONOMICAL in time. It is HUGE now.

These losers have ruined everything they have touched! Most importantly, their ignorance and incompetence with respest to labor and the customers for the sake of lining their pockets has trashed any possibility of making this merger successful. They are myopic and greedy fools. I give it maybe 2 years before the whole thing craters.

Deal makers, not managers. So sad. I hope the are soon trashed and we have a positive change.

Service industries need leaders who inspire to provide a product that is attractive. When the employees are unhappy, everything suffers. DUGH! These clowns need to go!

Once the pilot senority disaster is resolved, things will
likely slide into chaos beyond imagination. These losers have no plan for the company and its management. Without another merger, and their quick exit with MILLIONS, they are lost!

They are such slime balls. I wish Parker and his cub scout Kirby the worst. They have blown a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to create the best airline in history. It is their greed and ignorance that will bring it all down.
It seems to me that Parker and Kirby should soon be shown the door. They have achieved the last place in most costomer complaints, on time performance, and baggage in the industry! They have alienated the PILOTS to the point that the fuel waste has become astronomical! The new uniforms will not be worn. We should order the optional hat, however, because they will pay for it!
There is universal hatred for the company because of the leadership.
They are not leaders or managers. They are robber barrons here to make deals and move on. The DELTA deal was Parker's "BIG DEAL" and it failed. Good! They can't run anything without a "deal" involving stock and money for them.
The merger with AWA is a disaster, FAILURE!
Reservation System, Failure!
On time performance, Failure!
Baggage reliability, Failure!
Customer Complaints, Failure!
The worst, and most shattering issue is that they have destroyed any possibility of EVER having the employees
feel any love or responsibility for the mess they have created.
Drucker and other motivational courses were not electives in these clowns curiculim. They concentrated on accounting, and screw labor courses.

Recent reports indicate the fuel burn needs to be addressed. It will become ASTRONOMICAL in time. It is HUGE now.

These losers have ruined everything they have touched! Most importantly, their ignorance and incompetence with respest to labor and the customers for the sake of lining their pockets has trashed any possibility of making this merger successful. They are myopic and greedy fools. I give it maybe 2 years before the whole thing craters.

Deal makers, not managers. So sad. I hope the are soon trashed and we have a positive change.

Service industries need leaders who inspire to provide a product that is attractive. When the employees are unhappy, everything suffers. DUGH! These clowns need to go!

Once the pilot senority disaster is resolved, things will
likely slide into chaos beyond imagination. These losers have no plan for the company and its management. Without another merger, and their quick exit with MILLIONS, they are lost!

They are such slime balls. I wish Parker and his cub scout Kirby the worst. They have blown a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to create the best airline in history. It is their greed and ignorance that will bring it all down.

All I can say is Thank God I have a spot on another list.
They are such slime balls. I wish Parker and his cub scout Kirby the worst. They have blown a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to create the best airline in history. It is their greed and ignorance that will bring it all down.

One can only wonder what would be the state of the airline had Doug Parker died in a crash the night of his DUI in January. Would a capable leader who could quickly earn the respect and loyalty of his employees take his place? Would Scott Kirby take his place and bring us more of the same old Franke/Parker and worse?

My hatred of these scoundrels is of such depth that it is making me physically ill. Others that I have spoken with, East and West, feel the same. Even low-level management will tell you the same if you take them off to the side. Parker and his team have ruined my airline. He had a chance to make US Airways the best damned airline that ever flew the skies and he blew it. I have never seen a more demoralized and disgruntled workforce.
Profit...wasn't that just our salaries taken from us...

Operationally...this company is a mess.
I agree wholeheartedly that the company is a low morale, operational mess with the least respected brand in the industry.

But if theres a profit, they are successful. Its about money, so no failure here.
US Airways is NOT a total failure!!

They have broken EVERY promise to their Customers and Employees except one.

They promised to take our money and they have. Quite gleefully I might add.

Talk to our "keepers", we are only the unskilled labor and are treated as animals. moo
You are more than 100% correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The way PARKER and company is running this place we don't have much more than a year or so. They need to go now. He has no idea how to run an airline.
the masters will make several more million $$$ before this horse finially falls down dead,, and even then they will be regarded as giants in the industry for what they have gotten us to do....make this POS company operate for as long as it did, dispite what they have done.....we will end up with shut up and get back to work.
The one thing this management team has succeeded in doing is driving us to the bottom by every measurable account standard
Last in Baggage
Last in On Time ( we have the most delayed flights........of any airline)
Last in Complaints

They are doing such a bang up job I guess they are entitled to a performance bonus. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stephen Wolf , think of him what you will would not have tolerated this type of performance and would have taken the necessary steps to change . NOT DOUGIE , just more excuses for substandard operational performance and no idea how to turn it around. Just dump more money into a failed computer system that will never work.
finish all the labor contracts at mid levels--read parity plus 1%- and maybe this place has a chance to go on...otherwise forget asia or any other good growth areas....prepare for the sound of the handle being depressed as we all give up...again
I agree wholeheartedly that the company is a low morale, operational mess with the least respected brand in the industry.

But if theres a profit, they are successful. Its about money, so no failure here.

They are in control of the money, by definition. Should "they" choose to show a profit, they will. Otherwise, they will not. "Profit" is a tool, not a measure of success. Their measure of "success" is dependent on how much of the cash flow they can divert from the employees to their bosses, the financial conglomerate corporations they serve. They are paid lump sums you will never see to slice, dice and merge parts and pieces, childs play for those unconstrained by ethics or a sense of fairness.

Your concept of how a corporation works, while politically correct, is completely wrong.

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