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Management Asks To Cancel Meeting

RowUnderDCA said:
Can you make another run in describing how it's obvious that U was negotiating in bad faith? Did they ever say 'no' to a proposal that met their target?

Saying "no" does not constitute "bad faith bargaining". It is the provisons that are saught that can constitue bad faith, and "unrealistic" or "far reaching" changes.

What U DOES do is increase the cost target everytime labor comes up with a counter ( I call that "bad faith); as if to imply..."well, you got there, now try this".

Curious.......any of the previous "meetings" with CWA held in Lakefield's office?

Seems like an odd place for negotiations...
livingontheedge...To my knowledge no meetings were ever held at Bruce's office. Sure would like to be a fly on the wall Tuesday there though!!!!
700UW said:
Where is the urgency?

I guess their quote about dilligence and vigor to reach an agreement was just smoke and mirrors.

700 when it’s all said and done and unless you have a paid union job, you will be out and of course so will "THEY" your nemesis, but the difference will be "they" will be sitting pretty while you find another job. And being you’re so ate up by this union crap, at that other new job you will find it hard to be quiet since obsession does that to a person and they will look upon you as trouble and you will again be looking for a new job.

Do I know this for a fact, hell no I am not reader of the future, but I have seen this before with people of your union mentality. 13 percent is what you are looking at to get another union position, good luck 700 you will surely need it.
It is not an obsession, it is caring about the working class people.
Not being wishy-washy like yourself.

I do not need your luck, my future is just fine with or without US.

And I guess your third job will be an online psychology web page?

You do not know me so try your psycho analyzing on someone else.

My major in college was pysch.
I believe CWA can bring this information to the court..That the COMPANY that doesn't want to talk...Is not bargaining in "good faith"...has cancelled meetings...has not considered suggestions from the CWA to save the company money.....Such as "early out" seperations of the most senior reps, and homeworkers like Jet Blue uses....

Just like the mechanics, who submitted money saving ideas
and they were not acted upon...
Does not matter anymore IMO. My vote to what ever is asked is pure and simple NO!!!!! To the Uair BOD....Thanks for the inspiration!!!!!
Didn't U present a proposal to CWA?

Anyway, isn't it possible, that they've decided that the current contract is sufficient to lay off/mainlineexpress/MDA CWA workers to acheive cost savings sufficient to cover CWA's portion of participation?
RowUnderDCA said:
Didn't U present a proposal to CWA? 


Anyway, isn't it possible, that they've decided that the current contract is sufficient to lay off/mainlineexpress/MDA CWA workers to acheive cost savings sufficient to cover CWA's portion of participation?

Yet they still want more! $13.10/hr after 11 years topout AND for everyone currently topped out, contract to run for 7 years through 2011 with no guarantee of raises, AND the ability to contract out ANY and ALL work covered through the CBA if it can be done cheaper and more economically. Yeah, that works for me! :down:
It is real funny how the company was so inclined to want to do a comparrison of USAIRWAYS to SOUTHWEST Airlines, and then found out they pay more at the top scale than USAIRWAYS does currently, and they can still make a profit at Southwest...

CWA workers have given up:

1. pensions

2. Two ( 2) holidays a year,

3. $2.00 an hour in salary,

4. 25% of vacation pay, (A week's vacation pays at 75 % of your pay, but your bills are at 100%!)

5. Loss of thousands of jobs....had 9 reservations centers, now have 2 only....gutting airport personal to very mimimal staff on a great weather day...

6. Contracting of USAIRWAYS. com website

7. Use of Kiosk machines

***** The newly added $5 and $10 service fees added to Reservations Center and Ticket counter tickets, should be considered the final contribution to fund this airline... thru CWA member functions ********
What has bothered me from the get go is first management compares us to Luv then I guess they got the picture that WN actually makes more than we do. Then the record changes to B6...well even though they have only been around for a short time their top out pay and benis were just under what we get now and then the tune changes for a 3rd time...HP. Gee if HP CS agents get one heck of a raise the only thing left to take a look at is Amtrack and Greyhound.
networking said:
mwereplanes, I too heard this today at work Talk of a possible 1113e motion. Surely, if the company tries this they know they will stand a great chance in killing the "transformation". Has anyone else heard this might happen? Maybe their strategy is too force us all very low, and then when agreements are reached increase it so we think we have gained a lot. I also heard that if this motion is filed and we walk...no bennies. I guess we will wait and see.
from what i understand,once they file 1113e...they have 60 days to negotiate with the labor groups affected.if no success...abrogation...