O,yeah i'd be proud to, of sending 10,000 JOBS to the street O, yeah stand up you proud SCAB tell us how many people you want in your proud12(whatever that is how many SCABS you got?) O, yeah tell the"fence riders" you don't want them, they don't deserve a good UNION job working with a UNION bringing in the work. you think these people are as stupid as you following a bunch of losers around? not so o proud SCAB. tell us how JOBS are out there for a&p mechs. now that the market is FLOODED with them ......thanks to people like you & your amfa(PUKE) followers. O yeah tell them how you got the other airlines that you are SUSPOSE to represent. go ahead tell 'em..........just like you got your cards signed @ AA when everyone was upset, thought they took one in the butt & you all took advantage of it trying to steal another one but......enter TEAM TWU !!!!!!!!!! the UNION of the PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!! that exposes the amfa(PUKE) LIES stood up for our UNION bros/sis kept them working, keeping their JOBS. yeah, the only ones that were happy to see this happen (the concessions) was amfa(PUKE) 'cause then they/you thought you had easy pickens well, well O proud SCAB guess what? you LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :down: in a couple mos. people will be saying amfa(PUKE) who? O, you mean the ones who say i don't deserve a job?, the ones that want to put me on the street? the ones that say you don't have an a&p we don't want you?, the ones that say your not a skilled worker 'cause you clean cabins/sweep floors/hussle bags/run a machine/work in plating/composite/work in stores?, the ones who send ALL their maintenance work out? the ones who don't represent their own?.....the ones that can't write a contract/bargain in good faith, don't stand up for their people. you mean the stand alone ASSOcition? yup, that is who we are talking about. now, O proud one spin on that go ahead tell us that these FACTS are lies you know they are facts 'cause you have read them. go ahead O proud one!!!
i'll make easy for you. explain art.2 in that rag amfa(PUKE) calls a contract in this case however IT should be called "conRAT" i'll be waiting & while you are at it answer me what do you think of your SCABmaster now? yeah defend him, if you think you can, he flopped once & he'll do it again.
TWU/AFL/CIO/ATD=UNION=SCABFREE !!!!!!!! now that is something to PROUD OF.