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Majority Rule

The Board has determined that the single craft or class of Airline Mechanics, Ground Service, Plant Maintenance, and Fleet Service Personnel is no longer a proper craft or class at either American or TWA-LLC. The proper crafts or classes are Mechanics and Related Employees, and Fleet Service Employees. American Airlines, Inc./TWA Airlines, LLC., 29 NMB 240, 251 (2002).1.
Come on kevin tell me how over 1500 fleet services workers are in the proper craft and class. Than we can hash out the retired,deceaced, fired and people who quit. NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!
seems like you amfa(PUKE) dudes just don't get it do you.
nope you want to run everything including the NMB
inman get a GRIP the NMB determines who is C&C NOT YOU SCAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :huh:
why don't you stick to the post you are responding to? why not answer to "majority rules" ? not making some rules as you go along here. typical SCABS is what you are....you amfa(PUKE) punks got SUCKED in, not by TWU but by the Ol
SCABmaster himself. answer the post!!!!!!
majority rules!!! you SCABS do this all the time. why? because YOU have no answers. :shock:
let me make it simple inman so you can understand ok?
NO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!MAJORITY RULES!!!! you have problem with that? is that democracy? isn't that what you amfa(PUKE) boys talk all the time O, it didn't turn out the WAY you wanted it too huh? well,SCAB this ain't the IAM!!!! this is the TWU!!!!!!
scab scraper continue with the childish rants and name calling, AMFA will win an election for the mechanics craft & class at AA ist just a matter of time. it's your immature kind who convince the fence sitters that they would fare better outside the twu so continue your blabber it helps our cause.
O,yeah i'd be proud to, of sending 10,000 JOBS to the street O, yeah stand up you proud SCAB tell us how many people you want in your proud12(whatever that is how many SCABS you got?) O, yeah tell the"fence riders" you don't want them, they don't deserve a good UNION job working with a UNION bringing in the work. you think these people are as stupid as you following a bunch of losers around? not so o proud SCAB. tell us how JOBS are out there for a&p mechs. now that the market is FLOODED with them ......thanks to people like you & your amfa(PUKE) followers. O yeah tell them how you got the other airlines that you are SUSPOSE to represent. go ahead tell 'em..........just like you got your cards signed @ AA when everyone was upset, thought they took one in the butt & you all took advantage of it trying to steal another one but......enter TEAM TWU !!!!!!!!!! the UNION of the PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!! that exposes the amfa(PUKE) LIES stood up for our UNION bros/sis kept them working, keeping their JOBS. yeah, the only ones that were happy to see this happen (the concessions) was amfa(PUKE) 'cause then they/you thought you had easy pickens well, well O proud SCAB guess what? you LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :down: in a couple mos. people will be saying amfa(PUKE) who? O, you mean the ones who say i don't deserve a job?, the ones that want to put me on the street? the ones that say you don't have an a&p we don't want you?, the ones that say your not a skilled worker 'cause you clean cabins/sweep floors/hussle bags/run a machine/work in plating/composite/work in stores?, the ones who send ALL their maintenance work out? the ones who don't represent their own?.....the ones that can't write a contract/bargain in good faith, don't stand up for their people. you mean the stand alone ASSOcition? yup, that is who we are talking about. now, O proud one spin on that go ahead tell us that these FACTS are lies you know they are facts 'cause you have read them. go ahead O proud one!!!
i'll make easy for you. explain art.2 in that rag amfa(PUKE) calls a contract in this case however IT should be called "conRAT" i'll be waiting & while you are at it answer me what do you think of your SCABmaster now? yeah defend him, if you think you can, he flopped once & he'll do it again.
TWU/AFL/CIO/ATD=UNION=SCABFREE !!!!!!!! now that is something to PROUD OF.
Scab Sraper,

You are pretty arrogant for a COMMIE boot licker! You are an ASSBACKWARDS, INBRED, MORON! Take your catch-all union with your unskilled workers and shove it! Get in your Yugo with your rainbow sticker on the rear bumper and drive off a cliff.

Majority Rules, evidently if it's skewed the right way. Courtesy of E. Hennessey.

Lets see what the real mediators say huh.

Do you really believe that a flight dispatcher and a fleet service clerk have the best interests of the AMTs at AA as a priority? If you do, you better educate yourself. Ask yourself why a dispatcher should make $45ph for a 12 week course of night school classes. Why are AAs baggage handlers still among the top 3 in pay? Why does a sim tech make more than a licensed AMT? Out on the line, baggage handlers are fighting us to ride brakes on our A/C. They rat to management about anything they think might benefit them, at our expense.

In Tulsa the TWU is pretty much all mechanics; however, out here - it's a different world all together. You are not exposed to the BS that line AMTs are. That does not mean that it doesn't exist.
There was a card drive at American Eagle. The twu was allowed to count mechanic and related from two(2) non union bases to suppress a vote of the membership for representation.
The Board has determined that the single craft or class of Airline Mechanics, Ground Service, Plant Maintenance, and Fleet Service Personnel is no longer a proper craft or class at either American or TWA-LLC. The proper crafts or classes are Mechanics and Related Employees, and Fleet Service Employees. American Airlines, Inc./TWA Airlines, LLC., 29 NMB 240, 251 (2002).1.
NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!!
hey greendude, vortilion take a pill.....like PROZAC you might like them. they be GREEN like you. yeah,yeah everybody has a story. want to hear mine???? didn't think so cause you amfa(PUKE) guys only think about yourself & your opening lines here remind of a little thing someone came up with that FITS you to a tee.
yup,green dude thats you ok & thanks to your amfa(PUKE) buddies for having ART.2 in their contract you are more than likely stuck where you are but, seeing how your amfa(PUKE) people have put 10,000 m&r's on the street & you want to use your a&p that, you no doubt worked hard for (didn't we all) you'll have to stay where you are & only making $27 p/hr hummm i believe there is someone out THERE that would GLADLY step into your place. O i see YOU want more. don't we all, the difference between you & me green dude is, i have friends that are glad they are STILL working. because the TWU did the right thing!!! O & GREEN DUDE, i just so happen to have 2 cars. one is UNION MADE,MADE IN THE USA!!!!!!!! 😉
& the other one is UNION MADE, MADE IN THE USA!!! 😉 so if i were to drive it off a cliff it would STAND UP know what i mean?? i doubt it 'cause you, green dude know NOTHING about UNION. i don't see a "U" in amfa(PUKE) but i do see ASSO
ciation...........hey, try a couple PROZAC's
Hey. I heard rumor that Dennis Burchette, at the inaugural meeting said: "I don't know who I am, I don't know where we are going but, I do know that over 50% of this base hates the twu."

Surprisingly, that is a true statement, and coming from our local President, I am impressed. I would just like to thank Dennis for being the first to come clean and be honest about that paticular local situation. cio, twuer, scabboy, Steve, any others want to give it a try?
The Board has determined that the single craft or class of Airline Mechanics, Ground Service, Plant Maintenance, and Fleet Service Personnel is no longer a proper craft or class at either American or TWA-LLC. The proper crafts or classes are Mechanics and Related Employees, and Fleet Service Employees. American Airlines, Inc./TWA Airlines, LLC., 29 NMB 240, 251 (2002).1. NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!
Scab Scraper,

Please don't pretend to be some almighty union saviour, and that anybody with an opposing view must be a scab. That is pretty weak at best. The whole purpose of a union, is to gain better wages and benefits for the dues paying members. Nobody likes to see anybody layed off. Here is where the controversy lies. Just by viewing the TWUs own survey (it's on the TWU website) most of the respondents agree, that we took too much in concessions in favor of preserving head-count. Sort of a TWU imposed charity if you will; however, we can't write it off as a charitable donation. Please get off your pulpit about the amount of layed off AMTs being the fault of the AMFA. Unlike some of the sheep you encounter in your workplace, I stay informed on the facts. I have a brother who works at NWA, so don't try to preach any more TWU BS about that issue. I also have friends at UAL, again - save your BS.

SS, we probably just have fundamentally different business and political beliefs. I want the preservation of our wages and benefits as AMTs. Layoff if they must, at least when there is recalls - there will be something worth coming back to. Which by the way is coming to fruition, we have guys refusing recalls because of the cuts etc.. Again, back to the TWUs own survey - the majority sees it my way.
Vortilon said:
Do you really believe that a flight dispatcher and a fleet service clerk have the best interests of the AMTs at AA as a priority? If you do, you better educate yourself. Ask yourself why a dispatcher should make $45ph for a 12 week course of night school classes.
By your comments you obviously have no idea what a flight dispatcher does nor the responsibility one has. Just as you put your licence on the line every time you sign a log book, we put our licence on the line every time we sign a flight release. The penalties for doing a shoddy job on either one of our parts can be catastrophic. The 12 week course you mention is full time, not night school, and is equivalent to an accelerated college course. There are written and practical tests (which are comparable to a pilots ATP) along the way, just like you had to get your A&P. Then there are years of gaining experience in airline operations before you can even be considered for a dispatch position, especially for a major like AA.

I have worked as an avionics technician in general aviation, and have worked with a number of maintenance people in and out of the airlines. I respect the job M&R does and their dedication. I think you will find that dispatch is one of your biggest supporters.
I've got your Majority Rule.


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Scabby Scrapper,

Funny, I don't feel sick. I just don't run all my feelings through the (political correctness) filter before I put them down in type. Don't try that stupid line "if you don't like it here, get a different job" business either. That sh*t doesn't play with me. I along with; oddly enough, the majority of the AMTs at AA feel that the AMFA is the way to go.
AA Dispatch, you and many Dispatchers, also a lot of Fleet Service do support us in this dispute. I believe all of the different craft and classes (set by the NMB) should move into trade unions.

After listening to Bob say it several hundred times lol, it finally sank in and I have to agree with him that even Fleet Service would be a lot better off in a trade union. The longshoremen do not have licenses to use to get better wages yet, they have some of the best labor wages in the country and much better pay than ours, as mechanics. The key is trade unionism where the possibility of shutting down an entire industry forces corporate America to give up some of the cash that they normally stuff into their own and company coffers or they can raise ticket prices, their call.

The airlines will have to use management skills to make higher profits to line their pockets rather than from the backs of labor.

Let the weak fail while keeping the strong, strong, if management screws it up so be it, they will pay. In the mean time the mechnic or related moves over to X airlines and keeps his pay along with AMFA priority to the next airline, rather than starting over. Imagine having to start over under the twu's two teir system at 9$ /hr and 14 year pay progression.

The other part is, it will costs all of the airlines the same amount to employ a mechanic and or related. This will take out the competition for lower wages and benefits that has ravaged the industry since the twu advocated this anti-union stance.

One of the worst things that has happened in our craft and class was for the twu to allow the OSM (in-house outsourcing) wages, undercutting other airlines. This caused havoc as other airlines struggled to compete with the lower wages. It allowed AA rapid growth but, the cost to our Craft and Class has been horrific.

Other unions did not allow the same cost advantage that AA enjoyed by letting companies start anything similar to the OSM package. The other airline's only repercussion to the twu effect was to start outsourcing work.

If we can get all mechanic and related as set by the NMB under one union we can set our rates without dumping anyone down and receive fair wages and benefits for all those in our craft and class.

Under the industrial union concept, all wages skilled or unskilled migrate to the lower side of wage scales. At one time pilots wages were 20% higher than mechanic wages. Look at what has happened, the pilots promoted pilots and gobbled up all the money. This has happened over a long period of time and not that I blame them but, we need to learn from them. You do not see any pilots in the airline industry that are in catch all unions.

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