Over the past four days, I did a fair amount of research on your allegation that there was "NO PLAN." I got my information from various sources. Let me tell you what I learned:
Conference calls were held, up to three a day, between OCC, the major stations, maintenance, and weather vendors. These calls dealt with the progress of the storm, station readiness, de-icing output, FAA restrictions, and tactical/strategic cancellations. In addition, updates of "THE PLAN" were disseminated through out the Company.
How successful was the plan? Let's take a few examples. Initial forcasts were that
Clt was going to be severely impacted on Sunday and snow would reach the DCA/PHL area by late afternoon/early evening. By all accounts, CLT did just fine until they lost several de-icing trucks in the early evening. Snow did not reach the DCA area until 2000. Had the Metro Authority not taken so long to clear the runway, we would not have taken the cancellations due to the take-off curfew. PHL ran just fine. Gee, certainly am glad cancellations were not made on this forecast.
Monday/Tuesday had tactical and strategic cancellations for PHL/LGA/DCA/BOS. This was done in concert with station/maintenance input. In fact, initial forecasts for BOS were to have 6-10 inches of snow to fall between late Tuesday and all day Wednesday. Based on changing forecasts throughout the day on Tuesday, strategic cancellations were not made for BOS on Wednesday. Good thing. Boston received less than two inches of snow by early afternoon.
So, Mark, as you can see, there was "A PLAN." I guess you don't occupy a positon within US Airways to know what "THE PLAN" is. Instead, you decide to come on an open forum, knowing there are passengers who peruse this forum, and lambaste the COMPANY and fellow employees for being un-prepared. Nothing could have been further from the truth.
One last item to be mentioned. I always have a plan. The plan these past few days was to transport passengers as safely and efficiently to their destination. If their travel plans were to be interrupted, I would let the professional people of the CWA come to their aid. This is when we truly earn our money, when we have to react to unplanned sitations.
I could not end this missive without addressing PITBull. You are truly the Queen of Negativity, the Princess of Sarcasm. "Spindoc" makes a statement, from a passenger viewpoint, that they did not believe CLT was operating badly. Yet, you verbally attack a paying passenger. How utterly crass. Thank-God you spend your time at Denny's playing with your Blackberry. I retract everything I said about you flying a trip. You should not be around the paying passenger.
Disclaimer: Not the view of US Airways or any employee. Just someone who cares about the TRUTH.