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Machinists Union Update

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Awww c'mon NeedForSpeedNFS, don't you dare leave me here alone. No cornfield for you!!! Wheatfield maybe, cornfield no. 😉
EyeInTheSky said:
Awww c'mon NeedForSpeedNFS, don't you dare leave me here alone. No cornfield for you!!! Wheatfield maybe, cornfield no. 😉
Look at CH11 Thread
That sissy post?😉 Nah, surely that isn't one for the cornfield. You might get a PMS from the modsquad though. Tisk, tisk...
Goodnight, guys! Thanks for the giggles! I'm going to play "Bad to the Bone" in your collective honor before I hit the sheets!


Dea Certe said:
Goodnight, guys! Thanks for the giggles! I'm going to play "Bad to the Bone" in your collective honor before I hit the sheets!


Later, Dea!! 😀
Rampman said:
if they voided the contracts could the IAM strike...
As long as the result is the permanent unemployment of a320 in aviation it would be worthwile. 😉
700UW said:
You are the one looking pathetic when you post lies about things you are not involved with.

You are the one posting accusations and smears without proof.

The burden of proof is on you. Go ask of your fellow 15 US Airways management who were in the room yesterday what was prepared for them in a professional manner. Something you have no clue about.

Here's the deal that you can't seem to understand. What I posted was information given to me by one of YOUR fellow members who is so sick and tired of the IAM and it's head in the sand attitude as well as people like you being the lap dog for your big uncle Rob Roach. That information came directly from the IAM so go back to the manual and look for another cut and paste to put on here like you have so many other times. You offer nothing to any discussion but propaganda and innuendo. The fact remains the cost savings provided to the company from the IAM does nothing to cut costs and in fact raises costs. Those are the facts and the quicker you come to grips with that the better off we'll all be. The fact is they proposed cutting 50 million dollars from a 43 million dollar budget. Now tell me who is using fuzzy math??
If they are so sick of the IAM, then why did they fail to gather enough cards for amfa?

And if you believe what someone tells you with no proof then you are the fool.


Show me facts where it increases costs?

Guess you have a comprehension problem.

Have you seen the report? You cant prove anything and like I said US spends more then $40 million on parts, we have billions of dollars of parts in inventory.

When you replace a part you have to account for the cost of the part, the downtime of the airplane because it is not generating revenue and the cost of the man hours to replace the part.

Here is a post from a mechanic in the avionics shop, is he a liar too like you accuse the IAM of?


I am personally familiar with several of these cost-saving ideas. They are good solid changes in the way the company does business, that will yield hundreds of thousands of dollars of savings.

I, and all of the Mechanic and Related that I know, find it personally offensive that the only "cost-savings" this management team is interested in, is our ability to provide for ourselves and our families. Once again, let us be clear:
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