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ALPA lost its fragmentation rights with the new contract. The last company proposal that contained fragmentation rights was made on September 6, 2004 but it's unclear if this would apply to the MDA pilots because they work under a separate contract.


I wonder if this is going to be the most unpleasant shoe to drop with regard to the merger?
USA320Pilot said:
ALPA lost its fragmentation rights with the new contract. The last company proposal that contained fragmentation rights was made on September 6, 2004 but it's unclear if this would apply to the MDA pilots because they work under a separate contract.


We do not work under a separate contract, we operate under a letter of agreement from the Mainline CBA only.

Although we utilize the old American Eagle contract as a guideline for interim work rules/pay, we still use the Mainline section 25 as well. Negotiations were carried on to create an actual MDA working agreement, but they only progressed so far, not even near completion.

The problem is the gap between what MDA was envisioned to become, and what the reality of what it actually is. It might have been planned as a separate division, with it's own contract and such, but the reality is that we are not separate.
MAA pilots and F/As have no contracts despite the fact that the division has operated for over a year. This gives the company the ability to say what it likes and not have to go by anything.

It is not seperate, even though they hired managers from Express to try and make it feel seperate.
Now I have a question that I would like to ask maybe Light or someone else can answer. Where the :censored: is the AFA rep for MDA in all this mess. I haven't seen not even a sorry note since the sale of the 170's was mention. Even though much hasn't been done(up to my knoeledge) but at least ALPA has said that at least a meeting or something has been held or what ever. But what about the F/A? :huh: If any one has any info write it up here. Thanks
GroundedBoricua said:
Now I have a question that I would like to ask maybe Light or someone else can answer. Where the :censored: is the AFA rep for MDA in all this mess. I haven't seen not even a sorry note since the sale of the 170's was mention. Even though much hasn't been done(up to my knoeledge) but at least ALPA has said that at least a meeting or something has been held or what ever. But what about the F/A? :huh: If any one has any info write it up here. Thanks

She is sitting in West Virginia ..twiddling her fingers and sitting back getting paid to do nothing, while she is not even recurrent(or wasnt a few weeks ago) on any of the a/c. USELESS!
didn't she get reelected? why didn't you all vote for her opponent if she is so useless?
noluv said:
didn't she get reelected? why didn't you all vote for her opponent if she is so useless?
I did not vote for her. But, I was told that you could not vote if you had any over due union dues. Well, the union was not taking our dues out of our pay for a few months when you first came over to MAA. So, some f/a's owed like 2 or 3 hundred dollars in back dues. So, from my understanding (just what I was told) that they could not vote. Alot of people did vote for the other person. I do not know the exact nubers of who voted and by what percent she won. Maybe someone can figure that out. Oh, and she was not reelected. she was just appointed Pres. until the real election. I forget what they call that. Inerum.?.or something like that. But, thats how it all went down. :down:
noluv said:
didn't she get reelected? why didn't you all vote for her opponent if she is so useless?

:mf_boff: :mf_boff: Hey don't blame me I wasn't around for the elections, so I didn't even have a chance to vote :down: :down:
We are hearing that as part of the merger that PSA and Piedmont will finally be merged... considering that when you call XX department it will ring Middletown, you call another department and you are talking to Salisbury, ring another and you are callin Dayton.

Remember the Allegheny / Piedmont merger.... look who was running the show, and look who is running the Piedmont/PSA show now ... Ralph James... so don't tell me that JS and EN aren't going to be merged.. its only a matter of time.

MDA.. no idea.. that's Mainline's toy, not Express... those planes shouldn't even say "Express" on the side.

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