fr8masters and TBONEJ4J's posts sum it up well on another post...
Q What will determine if the 170 aircraft are sold?
A. That depends on the Judges decision on our bonus and severance package.
Q. What is the corrolation to the Judges decision and the 170 sale?
A. We need the 50 plus million for the bonus and severance package, if we do not sell the aircraft we would not have the money available for our bonuses.
Q. Werent the 170's the future of US Airways?
A. Yes they were, but in these trying times management needs to be given proper compensation via severace pay, and bonuses so as not to lose the talent.
Q. Isn't the E190 also to be operated by Republic if the 170/190 program is sold for loose change?
A. Yes.
Q. Isn't the E190/195 the replacement for mainline B737 aircraft?
A. Yes.
Q. So aren't we handing away replacement jobs that will be sorely needed when a large number of mainline aircaft are parked post-merger?
A. Absolutely.
Q. What does ALPA think about this?
A. They are very excited to expand the Franchise by giving more and bigger aircraft to lowball contract carriers rather than preserving jobs that would be available to mainline pilots.
Q. Are you just making sure you secure your departure bonus by financing it with the sale of the Embraer fleet?
A. We're so talented, we deserve it.
This is going to be flown by someone else? As as EXPRESS plane?!? Oh, and these are the 190, not even the larger 195 that seats the same as the A319.