This was mentioned on another thread. I know someone may be able to search the business/stock boards to find out if a purchase is in the process.
The f/a's displacements are curious to me since the reserves in PHL never get their time in as it is.
Something is going on.....In the union press release they said the co. had more reasons for the recall.
Although many believe the co. is so cold hearted to do this to those f/a's starting class in PHX I disagree. Due to the sensitive nature with stockholders and premature information hitting the street the co. has no choice but to keep quiet. Regardless of who's being affected.
Also remember how odd it was that prior to the merger US east was opening all those So. Am markets only to close them without reason. It was a huge expense to open that market and then dump it. As I said this is very curious.
We are targeted to make a profit in 06. If this turns out to be true then Parker will tuely be the sweetheart of the airline industry. I say bring it on. Its all good but this could be fabulous.