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Locked Usa320 Thread

I am not so sure that "Who first told you..." and "You are just plain wrong" is polite or respectful. The point of debate is to back up your opinions with the reasoning behind them. If you think my opinion is wrong, or out in left field, fine. But tell me why. Don't tell me, "You are completely wrong. Respectfully,..." I find that completely disrespectful.

Also, using sources you cannot reveal as the basis of your argument time and time again is not respectful. It reminds me of a child who says, "I know a secret" and then won't tell it. If you have a secret, fine, no reason to advertise it to the world. If you want to say, "I heard a rumor or unsubstantiated report", thats fine too... But respect me enough to say it, instead of tell me this is fact, when often it is a game of "he said/she said".

Respectful posters tend to take what they learn from other posters, and add it to their knowledge, and you see it in future posts. I am here to learn, and maybe even hear a good rumor. However, I find it completely disrespectful that when USA320Pilot is repeatedly explained a different view point, or even that his "facts" are just plain wrong, and yet he refuses to accept it... Because his sources told him something different. There have been several examples of this. I find this completely disrespectful.

Finally, respectful posters don't have to sign off "Respectfully,..." While its a nice way to have a sign-off or ending to your post... I am not fooled. Someone who is respectful doesn't have to remind me at the end of the post. It shows in the body of the post, and in their over all posting on this board.
I have no respect for someone who gets so involved in another union's business, that he urges them to conceed, on this board, and in print - to the point his own union disavowed him.

I have no respect for being an accessory to management's divide and conqueor strategy.

Such action is inimical to unionism.

I will utterly defend his right to say what he wishes: I will utterly defend my right to disagree.

Actually, he makes reading this board easier - I can skip over the repetitive parts!
I am not so sure that "Who first told you..." and "You are just plain wrong" is polite or respectful. The point of debate is to back up your opinions with the reasoning behind them.

Which he does most of the time. If every poster on this board were required to provide reasoning, half of the people here wouldn't be posting.

And, I have yet to see A320 infer threats or physical violence, tell somebody that the person is an a**hole, or say that he hopes that the other person should mind his/her own business. Polite and respectful these are not. Yet you do not comment about these attributions.

If you think my opinion is wrong, or out in left field, fine. But tell me why. Don't tell me, "You are completely wrong. Respectfully,..." I find that completely disrespectful.

Which he does - the vast majority of the time.

Also, using sources you cannot reveal as the basis of your argument time and time again is not respectful. It reminds me of a child who says, "I know a secret" and then won't tell it. If you have a secret, fine, no reason to advertise it to the world. If you want to say, "I heard a rumor or unsubstantiated report", thats fine too... But respect me enough to say it, instead of tell me this is fact, when often it is a game of "he said/she said".

This is bull. Newspapers, television networks, and the radio media all utilize anonymous sources - all the time. Their creditibility is not undermined.

Finally, respectful posters don't have to sign off "Respectfully,..." While its a nice way to have a sign-off or ending to your post... I am not fooled. Someone who is respectful doesn't have to remind me at the end of the post. It shows in the body of the post, and in their over all posting on this board.

Every time I sign a pleading, I end with respectfully submitted. No different.
And, I have yet to see A320 infer threats or physical violence, tell somebody that the person is an a**hole, or say that he hopes that the other person should mind his/her own business. Polite and respectful these are not. Yet you do not comment about these attributions.

I made no such inference. The McDonald's cashier doesn't threaten me either, but that doesn't make him polite and respectful.

If you think my opinion is wrong, or out in left field, fine. But tell me why. Don't tell me, "You are completely wrong. Respectfully,..." I find that completely disrespectful.

Which he does - the vast majority of the time.

Then how did "You are dead wrong" become a catch-phrase on these forums?

More often then not, he does not answer the why question, and instead reposts more news articles which support his argument without answering the question at hand.

This is bull. Newspapers, television networks, and the radio media all utilize anonymous sources - all the time. Their creditibility is not undermined.

You don't question the media? I do. The media, like anyone, else has an agenda. For example, when Sarin gas was recently discovered in Iraq, a WMD, ABCnews buried it in other headlines on its website. FOXnews ran it as their headline. Both have different agendas. I question the media. I question anonymous sources. I don't think they are invaluable, I just think they are suspect. Just because Dan Rather said it, doesn't make it true. Not in my book.

How about the New York Times author (sorry, forgot his name) who recently purposefully reported false information just because he was in a position to do so. I think the media in this country has a serious credibility problem. Thats my opinion.

The same can be said for USA320 Pilot. He never says, "Hey, I am out on a limb here, by telling you all that a UCT is about to take place..." No, he says it will happen, its inevitable, and if you disagree, "You are dead wrong."

Several posters have speculated openly what USA320Pilot's agenda is. I have not. But that does not mean that he doesn't have one.

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