Local 514 Tulsa AMT's begging for change

TWU informer

Nov 4, 2003
Just FYI, not a single day went by this week that members of Local 514 did not ask who was running against the incumbents for union office next year and expressing displeasure with the current one sided towards management leadership.

In fact, I would guess that in the last two months, not more than 5 work days went by without hearing this type of comment from different folks from ALL classifications.

I think "change" is no doubt in the air in Tulsa.

I am looking forward to 2007!
Just FYI, not a single day went by this week that members of Local 514 did not ask who was running against the incumbents for union office next year and expressing displeasure with the current one sided towards management leadership.
You got my vote, need help on the campaign--just ask. :p

Not a bad job considering the local president is pulling in over $100k.
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Actually I believe Kirk has received another job offer and will be leaving AA very soon.

Too bad, he was well down the path to become a very good supporter/organizer favoring removal of the TWU.

Like most, it takes some a little time to see through the lies and smoke screens of the TWU, Kirk would have probabaly gotten there sooner, but some of the tactics used against him pushed him further away from change of any kind.

I have never quite figured out how intimidation, threats, and posting of personal problems figures to bring one closer to another person's point of view on things. ??
Not a bad job considering the local president is pulling in over $100k.

Man! There must sure be a lot of "self-generating" going on in the company's pockets to be pulling in $100K!
Well(fed up) TUL/AMT's, I believe what you're saying.

(but) SADLY...VERY SADLY, my money's on the "Bubba Oakies" to retain TWU(although in a tighter election).

See, "A leopard NEVER changes it's spots", and after that poor excuse for UNION men, that I saw on the CNBC documentary(remember the guy who "had kids in collage)(like HE was the ONLY friggin' guy with obligations), the majority(albeit a getting smaller MAJORITY) of TUL/Oakies will "SWALLOW" the (company-TWU) KOOL AID EVERY TIME. !!!

Jesus, I hope I'm WRONG, but Sadly I don't think so.

As I've BORED you guys to death over the years(with this statement), THIS is EXACTLY WHY AA moved the TWU/International out of NY, to DFW/TUL, because AA knew "beyond a shadow of a doubt" that these people have ZERO Intestinal Fortitude. It's Just NOT in their DNA !!

I respect GREATLY you folks in AFW/DFW/TUL who have "grown a pair" these last few years !!

$100,454 to be exact per the latest LM-2.
And thats only what the union pays him. Dont forget that in 1999 when the TWU started forming the separate maint locals the company agreed to pay Presidents salaries without a payback from the local. Thats part of the $3.1 million of company paid union business that the company threatened to cut off if the concessions were not put in place.

So that puts him at about $160K.

Hopefully someone will step up to the plate. Tulsa has to realize that when you let people like Burchette or MacDonald represent you thats what we on the line have to go by. These people have shown nothing but hostility towards us for years. We always suspected that there were reasonable, moral, union minded people in Tulsa, but we could only see the likes of Burchette. The fact is they define Tulsa because Tulsa chose them to represent them. Hopefully Tulsa will choose someone better than what they have in the past.
<_< ----- I hear the boys in TUL are spending more of their time going from Dock to Dock lately? Sorry your picking up our bad habits! But then again, we do have the same Union don't we!?----- ;)
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<_< ----- I hear the boys in TUL are spending more of their time going from Dock to Dock lately? Sorry your picking up our bad habits! But then again, we do have the same Union don't we!?----- ;)

It is as if the "transfer" by seniority system has been given away and no longer exist.
I wish that the problem could be fixed by simply changing leadership in Tulsa. However i am sure whoever gets elected however noble their cause will soon "see the light" and conform to the Internationals wishes.
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I wish that the problem could be fixed by simply changing leadership in Tulsa. However i am sure whoever gets elected however noble their cause will soon "see the light" and conform to the Internationals wishes.

They always have, and always will. B)

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