There was a little book written several years back called "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff" by Richard Carlson, PhD. Web site is www.dontsweat.comfirstamendment said:May I suggest that many of you who are full of anger and anxiety take the Landmark Forum. I just took it and what a difference it has made in my life. You just may find the route of victimization less desirable after you take this course. It is well worth the $415 spent. Wow!! Give yourself a gift and try it.
Ch.. , er, sorry. A320 DriverA320 Driver said:I will not dictate terms to you and until you start paying my bills, don't you dare dictate them to me either.
>>>"They asked for the help of the employees to transform the airline into an outfit that can compete."diogenes said:I haven't heard the Palace is asking employees for suggestions.tim said:What can I say to that?
The team in place was put in place to turn this company around; it's not the employees place to turn it around with some miracle scheme. If this team is that desperate that asking employees what to do is necessary, well then, the party is over.
If they are, may I suggest for them to,
1. Form a circle.
2. Draw sidearms.
3. Fire at will!![]()
Well, it's just a recommendation. If a book works fine, but complaining all the time is a sign of something much more serious. Enough of that. I said my peace.tim said:There was a little book written several years back called "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff" by Richard Carlson, PhD. Web site is www.dontsweat.comfirstamendment said:May I suggest that many of you who are full of anger and anxiety take the Landmark Forum. I just took it and what a difference it has made in my life. You just may find the route of victimization less desirable after you take this course. It is well worth the $415 spent. Wow!! Give yourself a gift and try it.
It's not $415 for the book either.
Personally, if this stuff bothers one that much then they haven’t really lived a life of any real trials. This place is only a job and not your very soul, which would be a whole lot scarier thing to lose!
This is a classic moment...RedOne said:Ch.. , er, sorry. A320 Driver
Just for future reference, I have printed off the above quote, so I can repost it in a few weeks or months when you again start telling other labor groups what they should do.
I agree that the future of U did not appear to have included "Regional Jets", as they were called in my day! What F/A class were you in when you started? The -10's and 74's have been around quite awhile!boeing787 said:I never dreamed when I was a kid about flying one of these tonka toy jets, I dreamed of 747s and DC10s.