I don't care what you guys say about the EMB 170 it is a dreamkiller. This jet is going to destroy all major airline jobs and it must have a payscale that allows it to be put on mainline period. Express pilots yeah it's great you get a chance to fly a jet like this what at 60K a year. I never dreamed when I was a kid about flying one of these tonka toy jets, I dreamed of 747s and DC10s. Now these plastic POS jets come here and they are making our industry worse. We collectively must tell management NO! Thanks USAIR ALPA you guys are not only screwing (and then eating) your junior pilots but the rest of the ENTIRE industry. You guys suck. I do hope LUV shows you what they are made up. You guys are a bunch of weak *****...you didn't open the concession stand once not even twice but 3 times. Shame on U! Don't you read, don't you know the history of stuff like this...soon you will be.