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Libya Coverup -- Who gets thrown under the bus? Hillary or Barack?

That was not the point. The point was that you claimed that Ryan et al had not submitted a budget. His web site says other wise. It may not have been submitted to Congress (it would sink like a lead balloon and he knows it) but he does have one.

Fred Astaire would be proud

If it wasn't submitted to Congress then it doesn't exist.
Cue the music.

I have a budget plan too. It's as valid and worthless as Paul Ryan's

Close the following Cabinet level agencys:
Department of Labor
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Housing an Urban Development
Department of Education
Department of Energy.

None of the above are required to run the nation. The agencies would be phased out over a three year time frame so as not to shock the economy

Withdrawal of all US Military from the following countries:

Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Yeman, The Sudan, Somalia, South Korea, Turkey, West Germany, Philipines & Japan over the first three years with more reductions to follow.

Further Cuts as follows

Elimination of ALL foreign aid.
Withdrawal from the Uniten Nations. Upon notification all UN operation on US soil shall cease within 90 days or the military will step in and remove all foreign nationals by force if required.
Reform Social Security through a partial privatization
Reform MediCare and Medicaid by phasing in a block grant system that leads to both programs being shifted to the states
Lower the marginal corporate tax rate while closing ALL loopholes. Revenue raised would be as close to neutral, just taking a No Waivers, No Favors approach.
Elimination of the Federal withholding. Each person would be required to "save up" in order to pay their taxes. This gives the individual more incentive to keep an eye on his government.
Elimination of ObamaCare AND employee paid benefits. Allow the free market to drive down prices. The only rules would be no pre-existing conditions and no group plans. Each person is responsible for their health care.
Elimination of PBS, NEA, Rural Electrification agency etc etc. We can't afford these luxuries any longer

AUDIT THE FEDERAL RESERVE & if warranted, shut it down.

There's my plan. Just so much Charmin like Ryan's. Neither was presented to congress.
You left out dept of homeland security!

Im a little ignorant about free market driving down costs. Can you give examples? All i can think about are the airline/ deregulation which i guess work but at a huge cost and my cable bill which has only gone up
Elimination of ObamaCare AND employee paid benefits....Each person is responsible for their health care.
I chose one from your rant...

You better add more garbage collectors to pick up the dead bodies from the streets. You will also need to add security to hospitals to stop the freeloaders who happen to get sick or shot and can not afford to be responsible for themselves and buy insurance. Or those that just choose not to buy.

Back on security:

How many security forces/troops are enough at each consulate and embassy? If we had added 4 more people would that have been enough? What about the other hot spots?

Libya couldn't get extra security due to alleged budget cuts, but hey, the U.S. Embassy just got $108K in funding to install a vehicle charging station for their new Chevy Volts....

Green jobs, red blood...
Libya couldn't get extra security due to alleged budget cuts, but hey, the U.S. Embassy just got $108K in funding to install a vehicle charging station for their new Chevy Volts....

Green jobs, red blood...
Throwing out a red herring to stink up the thread?
I chose one from your rant...

You better add more garbage collectors to pick up the dead bodies from the streets. You will also need to add security to hospitals to stop the freeloaders who happen to get sick or shot and can not afford to be responsible for themselves and buy insurance. Or those that just choose not to buy.

Back on security:

How many security forces/troops are enough at each consulate and embassy? If we had added 4 more people would that have been enough? What about the other hot spots?

We treat EVERYONE today so nothing would change in that regard. What would change is that faced with multiple options an individual or family could pick and choose the appropriate level of insurance that they as individuals can afford and/or desire. Any money the companies spent for employee Health Care would be converted into disposable income. Income to be used for H/C but other things as well. In this case the employee now faced with writing the check him or her self will shop for the best price i most cases. Some insurance providers have lower costs and would get more business. Higher cost suppliers would seek to cut costs in order to gain market share. This spiral down ward would continue as then insurance companies would put pressure on providers to offer services for less. You would know when we reached the right level when you could go to a loacal health systems web page and find a published price list of services. The problem with a free market for most Americans is there are winners & losers. A sort of social and economic Darwinism that frightens people.

Airline deregulation worked out splendidly for consumers, but airline employees have taken a hit. IMO a free and open H/C marketplace will result in lower cost simply because the consumer will have the responsibility of writig the check eacch month. Forced to do that task, trust me they'll shop it early and often which all by itself it will drive down cost.
Throwing out a red herring to stink up the thread?

Nope. Just pointing out where the funding priorities were. Vienna (definitely a hotbed of diplomatic activity) got new cars and a charging station. Benghazi had their security reduced. People died. Someone needs to be held accountable for setting the priorities.
Nope. Just pointing out where the funding priorities were. Vienna (definitely a hotbed of diplomatic activity) got new cars and a charging station. Benghazi had their security reduced. People died. Someone needs to be held accountable for setting the priorities.
Congress allocates government funds and budget priorities. Money for government vehicles comes from a different pot than money for security (not to mention different agencies).

Appropriations are just that. There are specific uses for government funds. It is not as simple as the private sector where someone gives you a chunk of change and you allocate it according to your own wants. There are transparency laws that people like you and me and others demand. I could imagine the outcry from you and others if money that was appropriated for transportation was diverted to something else you didn't agree with.
Considering that there is no budget right now, all the hand-wringing about what bucket the spending comes from is pretty much for naught, no?
Budget or not money is still allocated for specific. Pretty sure they don't get a bucket of cash and told to spend it as the see fit.
This is getting ridiculous.
It wouldn't matter how many boots we had.
History has proven that.
How did that work out?
Did Ronnie send in more troops?
No, He GTFO!
See a pattern here?
B) xUT
Considering that there is no budget right now, all the hand-wringing about what bucket the spending comes from is pretty much for naught, no?
Many agencies have FY13 budgets. Many others are operating on continuing resolution (CR). It is similar to status quo with RLA union agreements.

I am surprised that you do not know all of this.

Maybe you do, but it does not fit the narrative?
Fact of the matter is that four Americans are dead at the hands of terrorists, and you're arguing about budgets...

When a sitting ambassador says he needs more security, and bureaucrats don't act, it's negligence.

Overrunning the embassy in 1979 was unforseen. There was intel which suggested that Libya was at risk, there were repeated requests for security, and they weren't heeded. This was no accident.

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