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Libya Coverup -- Who gets thrown under the bus? Hillary or Barack?

Pretty sad when the Clintons have to jump on hand grenade after hand grenade, to keep Barrack from sinking even lower !

Clinton to CNN: ‘I take responsibility’ in Libya attack

You wanted accountability, you got accountability. Why would responsibility leap frog over the sec'y of state right into the oval office?

What would have Romney done if he were in office based on what he has said so far. How would the turn of of events have different?
You wanted accountability, you got accountability. Why would responsibility leap frog over the sec'y of state right into the oval office?

What would have Romney done if he were in office based on what he has said so far. How would the turn of of events have different?

Does something have to hit you square in the face, like a baseball bat, to make it obvious?

It was covered up, by blaming "The" video and started falling apart and at the same time Barracks numbers started plummeting, so lets stop the bleeding and send Hitlery to the rescue !
When the hell will you people finally hold Barrack accountable for "Anything" ?
Hillary is sly as a fox.

She admits responsibility, and in the process, makes Obama look indecisive, and more interested in deflecting/covering up than dealing with the situation at hand.

This can't possibly be ignored in the debate next week, and I suspect the timing of her statement guarantees it's fresh in mind, and possibly comes up in the debate tonight.

At some point, this still gets turned directly onto Obama: Why haven't you asked for her resignation?

If he doesn't, he looks weak(er); if he does, he risks pissing off the Clinton Faithful.

Either way, the clock is quickly running out.
Hillary is sly as a fox.

She admits responsibility, and in the process, makes Obama look indecisive, and more interested in deflecting/covering up than dealing with the situation at hand.

This can't possibly be ignored in the debate next week, and I suspect the timing of her statement guarantees it's fresh in mind, and possibly comes up in the debate tonight.

At some point, this still gets turned directly onto Obama: Why haven't you asked for her resignation?

If he doesn't, he looks weak(er); if he does, he risks pissing off the Clinton Faithful.

Either way, the clock is quickly running out.

My thoughts exactly!
Need a little deflection before tonites debate.
Still, when the phone rings at 3 AM, Obama has a 'do not disturb' sign on the door.
You have such a pleasant disposition in life.

Name one F$%K up, Barrack's taken responsibility for !
None, because the Obama Faithful, which apparently includes you and the majority of the media covers it up and smooths it over and thinks he can do no wrong...............watch Obama 2016 !
Name a screw up that any president has accepted responsibility for.

"It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong. As president I am responsible for the decision to go into Iraq," Bush said. "And I'm also responsible for fixing what went wrong by reforming our intelligence capabilities. And we're doing just that."

"Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government," Mr Bush said at a joint White House news conference with Jalal Talabani, the president of Iraq.
"To the extent the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility," he said.

Good evening.
This afternoon in this room, from this chair, I testified before the Office of Independent Counsel and the grand jury.
I answered their questions truthfully, including questions about my private life, questions no American citizen would ever want to answer.
Still, I must take complete responsibility for all my actions, both public and private. And that is why I am speaking to you tonight.
As you know, in a deposition in January, I was asked questions about my relationship with Monica Lewinsky. While my answers were legally accurate, I did not volunteer information.
Indeed, I did have a relationship with Ms. Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong. It constituted a critical lapse in judgment and a personal failure on my part for which I am solely and completely responsible.
But I told the grand jury today and I say to you now that at no time did I ask anyone to lie, to hide or destroy evidence or to take any other unlawful action.
I know that my public comments and my silence about this matter gave a false impression. I misled people, including even my wife. I deeply regret that.
I can only tell you I was motivated by many factors. First, by a desire to protect myself from the embarrassment of my own conduct.
I was also very concerned about protecting my family. The fact that these questions were being asked in a politically inspired lawsuit, which has since been dismissed, was a consideration, too.
In addition, I had real and serious concerns about an independent counsel investigation that began with private business dealings 20 years ago - dealings, I might add, about which an independent federal agency found no evidence of any wrongdoing by me or my wife over two years ago.
The independent counsel investigation moved on to my staff and friends, then into my private life. And now the investigation itself is under investigation.
This has gone on too long, cost too much and hurt too many innocent people.
Now, this matter is between me, the two people I love most - my wife and our daughter - and our God. I must put it right, and I am prepared to do whatever it takes to do so.
Nothing is more important to me personally. But it is private, and I intend to reclaim my family life for my family. It's nobody's business but ours.
Even presidents have private lives. It is time to stop the pursuit of personal destruction and the prying into private lives and get on with our national life.
Our country has been distracted by this matter for too long, and I take my responsibility for my part in all of this. That is all I can do.
Now it is time - in fact, it is past time - to move on.
We have important work to do - real opportunities to seize, real problems to solve, real security matters to face.
And so tonight, I ask you to turn away from the spectacle of the past seven months, to repair the fabric of our national discourse, and to return our attention to all the challenges and all the promise of the next American century.
Thank you for watching. And good night.
President Bill Clinton - August 17, 1998

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