Petraeus had an affair to cover up Benghazi.
A year before it happened.
C'mon dog, its plausible..... In a Faux news world 😛
Petraeus had an affair to cover up Benghazi.
A year before it happened.
Is that why Feinstein (D-California) is calling for him to testify?I doubt he had the affair to cover up Benghazi, but how did his mistress know about the CIA supposedly holding Libyans at the consulate which was ransacked? Pillow talk? Still reading his emails? She had information nobody else did, and that's really not been refuted or denied just yet.
What if Petraeus was told to take a bullet and back up the "it's a video" story or else risk having the affair made public? That falls apart when Cantor finds out about the FBI investigation, and Petraeus has to resign...
Will Petraeus testify? He has nothing to lose at this point to tell the truth and the whole truth, which is probably why Obama and Holder don't want him subpoenaed to testify...
Petraeus had an affair to cover up Benghazi.
A year before it happened.
You believe the Earth is flat, too.
Petraeus will testify, voluntarily before congress.
Holder just retracted his ball sack.
Petraeus will testify, voluntarily before congress.
Holder just retracted his ball sack.
Yeah, then Reagan might not have been reelected.Wouldn't it be great if all this came out before the Electoral College voted?...
Petraeus will testify, voluntarily before congress.
Holder just retracted his ball sack.
Yeah, then Reagan might not have been reelected.