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This DOT action is completely consistent with DOT's disposition, regardless of politics. Note that the Sec is a Republican.
This is all very interesting and--I don't want to seem patronizing--a bit amusing, but what did Richard Anderson do to piss Harry Reid off?

I think the real thought is Parker pissed off Reid! When you piss off a Senator you gotta remember he has a lot of pull on committees and when a CEO gives no respect or concern to one expect to get pissed on!

My feeling is Parker gambled and lost....
I think the real thought is Parker pissed off Reid! When you piss off a Senator you gotta remember he has a lot of pull on committees and when a CEO gives no respect or concern to one expect to get pissed on!

My feeling is Parker gambled and lost....

Hey Vegas I understand what you are saying regarding Reid's Revenge. But, Richard Anderson and Delta are pretty ticked off too. The new Delta is a pretty hefty outfit with a lot of clout. I don't know that a man in as precarious a political position as Sen. Reid would want to be making any more enemies than he has to. But who knows?