On 8/29/2002 9:27:08 PM
The fact is in todays environment the buisness travler and companies are not paying a premium for their fares..
That's right. That's a
fact. In fact it's a
trend -- and it's picking up steam. You can adapt. Or live in a fantasy world where the "business traveler"
continues to exist in the same form that he did 10 or 20 years ago.
For the most part if you were what we call BUISNESS passenger you would be paying the higher fare and would not be affected by the new rules.
Spend some time examining your own fares and rules. You might be shocked at what you see. Or maybe you already knew that virtually all of your fares, except for the very highest few, are subject to these new rules.
Reflect also on what the mythical business traveler does in his spare time -- does he perhaps vacation with the family on discount fares? What is the impact of these changes on that experience?
The fact that your company or yourself made the decesion to cut cost and are trying to save, is unforunate for yourself
It's not at all unfortunate. It's smart business and it allows me to be successful. It's a lesson that US Airways should have applied to itself many years ago. To suggest that any other course of action is sensible shows just how out of touch the culture of the airline is. What's unfortunate is that US Airways -- an excellent airline with superb people and what looked like a bright future a couple of days ago and
no need to do these things has choosen to fall on it's sword in this fashion.
... Pay full fare and youll get all that u say you have lost 🙂
No. You aren't a charity and I'm not in a donating mood. Your "full fare" does not have value commensurate to its price. It has been a long time since it did. You've known this for a long time. "Full fares" have been subsidizing grossly inefficient operations for years. The gravy train has come to an end.
This is a business relationship. I'm a customer. Listen to what I have to say about how you earn my business. If you don't want to fulfill that role that's fine, I'll be somewhere else. No hard feelings -- there are plenty of elsewhere's for me to choose and the transition is painless. I'm only bothering to tell you this and hang around to see how it turns out because we've had a long and fruitful relationship that I hope can be saved. I'm patient but not infinitely so.
These moves are a huge mistake. You could have gone after the real problem. You were perfectly positioned to do so. There is still a thin ray of hope that maybe that rabbit will yet be pulled out of the hat but it really looks like you have instead choosen to chase a fantasy.