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Let''s Give them Jets!


In principle, I agree with you 100%....runway behind you is wasted, as is the altitude above you.

Sadly, the FAA's bureuacracy is out of touch with reality.....

If I'm a passenger on your aircraft, I'd tip my hat to you in thanks for taking that "extra long" line up distance. 🙂

Denver, CO
On 8/9/2003 8:23:54 PM A320 Driver wrote:

On 8/9/2003 9:01:38 AM ua767fo wrote:


A320Driver: As a point of professional interest, Your statement above is not always correct. In certain jumbo aircraft, taxi brake energy absorbsion is part of the runway data....ie....the further you taxi, the lower your brake heat absorbsion capability, therefore the lower the runway limit. Hence, taxiing to far can put you out of bounds for takeoff. Interestingly the B727 had a predeparture ground taxi limit....5 nm (possibly 7) for this reason. Find a microburst at one end of Denver Int'l, taxi to the other end and bingo, you cant take off.

So reading the posting, it appears what the Mesa Captain did was absolutely correct, and what he should have done to be legally correct. Even though certain things we do tend to make no sense, regulatory and statuatory compliance is absolutely mandatory. AND YES,SOME OF THE FAA'S EDICTS ARE JUST BEYOND STUPID. PEOPLE REGULATING FLIGHT WHO DONT HAVE A CLUE WHAT THEY'RE DOING OR THE KNOWLEDGE TO REGULATE! (ahhhh....rant over, I feel better now).

Fly safe,

Denver, CO
B757/767 Check Airman


Believe what you like guy. I still don't buy it. So you just keep on taxiing down perfectly good runway all you like and hopefully, you will never need that 400 feet you gave up thinking you were being "complient".

A320 Driver
APD A320


Amen A320. Clowns can say what they want about whizzing away 400' of runway. The pilot failed to use good SA and Judgment. It is unbelievable that any commercial pilot (ATP or not) would even try to defend the decision as the “best answer.â€￾ He made a poor decision, and if he made that decision ( while thinking it was the safest decision) because his company taught him that way, then his training department is not as safe as it could be!
On 8/8/2003 10:42:34 PM WSurf wrote:

Capecod, how in the world do you think that the wholly owned Pilots (PDT) should feel about you (Mesa). Should we open our arms and say hello, welcome to CLT, and while your here take our jobs for us. Give me a break!!! We are part of US Airways Group... And too see us losing our jobs to a pilot group that is willing to bend over and take in the A## whenever it seems necessary makes me mad.
To have it pissed away by a bunch of 500hr pilots that would fly a RJ for nothing.
You know, hopefully people will realize that you can make a hamburger so cheap that nobody will buy it.
So if I habor some hate for you guys... Sorry

Billy, Thanks for proving my point. Your thread had nothing to do with what the 1900 crew did in CLT and everything to do with your anger at the MAG. I think everyone else posting on this thread has proven you the fool not the 1900 CA.

"Remember you voted on that contract and the rest of the regional airlines!! I repeat the rest of the regional carries hate you guys!!!!!"

I made it very clear that I am a former CCair pilot. Therefore I didn't vote on the Mesa TA. I was unemployed b/c U had given the rest of our Dash flying to PDT, leaving us with no routes. That's right, your company took my companies routes resulting on the closing of my company. Do I hate the PDT pilots for this? Reread my post for that answer.

"It sickens me to see all the grey hair old timers at piedmont that work had for work rules and pay, to make our jobs better.. "

CCair Dash pilots have even more gray hair, more seniority, and fought for over 20 years to gain a contract that was very much the equal to the one PDT had before they gave concessions. I didn't see a post here from you saying how sick you felt for the CCair pilots when your company put these guys on the street. Your so full of crap Billy. So full of it -Cape
On 8/2/2003 9:43:03 PM OldpropGuy wrote:

I also heard an unusual conversation between Air Midwest MESA pilots and CLT tower, one day not so long after the fatal accident in CLT. Tower told Air Midwest Flight #### to taxi into position and hold Runway 36L, expect a short delay for wake turbulence separation behind a departing 757. The Air Midwest pilot quickly stated "We'll waive the wake turbulence." The tower controller responded "Sir, I wouldn't let you, even if you could."
Sometimes you get what you pay for.

I find this story frightening, if true.
For Capecod, I always thought CCAir was a good company and was sorry to see them go. But the routes are owned by the USAirways group, and they can have whoever they see fit operate them. We will all see what happens to ACA when they leave their basket with UA.
On 8/10/2003 9:38:36 PM WO/drone wrote:

For Capecod, I always thought CCAir was a good company and was sorry to see them go. But the routes are owned by the USAirways group, and they can have whoever they see fit operate them. We will all see what happens to ACA when they leave their basket with UA.

WO/drone, My point exactly! Billy (WSurf) is crying b/c the USAirways group has decided to give jets and routes to Mesa and others. He is taking his anger out on the PILOTS of these companies instead of the Mgmt at U. (Like you said, "the routes are owned by the USAirways group" not by PDT or ALG) This thread is one of many in chat rooms to try and discredit Mesa (unfairly) and there pilots b/c W/O pilots don't like what's going on. At CCair, I didn't like that I had to go to the unemployment office b/c PDT took the routes we were flying but I know better then to blame the pilots. Looks to me like many at PDT haven't figured that out yet or are to angry to try.

On 8/11/2003 8:54:52 AM Capecod wrote:

At CCair, I didn't like that I had to go to the unemployment office b/c PDT took the routes we were flying but I know better then to blame the pilots. Looks to me like many at PDT haven't figured that out yet or are to angry to try. -Cape

I seem to remember things a little differently. Jonathan Ornstein shut down CCAir because you guys wouldn't agree to MESA working conditions and pay. At least you had some standards back then!
OldpropGuy said:
<P>Cape, </P>
<P>I seem to remember things a little differently. <STRONG>Jonathan Ornstein shut down CCAir because you guys wouldn't agree to MESA working conditions and pay. </STRONG> At least you had some standards back then!</P>
Old, That is incorrect. CCair was shut down because U gave there remaining routes to PDT after they pulled out of FLA. No routes, no airline. obviously, there is much more to it (and that is all well known) but that was the fatal blow. :down: -Cape
Justlaughingatyou said:
I read your post and had to laugh.<BR><BR>Wsurf / Billy. You are a true idiot. First you use very poor grammar and spelling to attack another airline within your own union. Why could that be? Not by my choice but because managements go for the better deal and you can always scare someone to take a worse contract if they think there job is going to be lost or the flying isn't going to come. <BR><BR>
Poor grammar? Do you mean like when you wrote "if they think there job" rather than their job? :down:

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