Okay, here''s something a stupid AirMidwest (Mesa) pilots did out of CLT. Taxing to 36R, the Tower told them to turn into the C2 by pass to get them out in front of a Jet that didn''t have there numbers and was at the end of the Runway. They told the tower that they didnt have C2 numbers to depart, but could go to C3. The tower didn''t response to the idoits. And they were to told to taxi into postion and hold C2. They said again they could depart C2 and got on the runway, taxing down it to C3 and they departed off 36R. Not knowing that that numbers allowed from C3 then back to the end of the runway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What scares me is that there were TWO dummies that thought they were doing the right thing. My GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldnt believe it, and everyone got a kick out of them taxing down the runway till they were abeam C3 and then pushed up the power.
My point, you pay banana''s and you get a bunch of Monkeys!!!
Piedmont (Protecting The Professionalism)
My point, you pay banana''s and you get a bunch of Monkeys!!!
Piedmont (Protecting The Professionalism)