No I'm not, and could you show me where I have. I'm just trying to get an answer to my question.
The historical parallels between the Civil War era Copperheads and Barack Obama and the current antiwar Democrats are noteworthy:
* They assert that the United States is responsible for world terrorism.
* They believe that Iraqis are incapable of democratic self government.
* They assert that President Bush has become a tyrant and is bent upon destroying civil liberties.
* They assert that the War in Iraq is a national and international tragedy which we cannot win and which must be ended, even if that ending is a victory for the terrorists.
Despite fierce opposition from the Democrats Lincoln (Bush) saw the mission through to completion.
Lincoln saw his nation suffer 700,000 deaths rather than see it broken into two.
Bush saw his nation suffer 4200 deaths rather than concede Iraq to Al Qaeda and Iran.
Obama agitated to surrender Iraq to Al Qaeda and Iran and not even the prospect of genocide deterred him from his devotion to that goal. And he pursued this goal for at least a year after it was obvious that Iraq was being inexorably pacified. He then claimed to be surprised by the success of The Surge.
Obama is the polar opposite of Lincoln.
If Lincoln were Obama, then today Obama would be a slave rather than POTUS.