Let me get this straight

Great...other than Donald Trump saying it's rigged, what evidence does Trey Gowdyski and the other Banana Republicans have?
Over a thousand signed affidavits! Statistical evidence of more mail in ballets received than ballet requests. A video showing ballet stuffing, And the fact that one State ignored it's own election laws by unauthorized changing of election rules just prior to the vote! Plus proof of voter fraud, in several States.such as dead people voting. People voting from States they don't live in. Illegal citizens that voted..The fact that the software in the Dominion voting machines used in several States was brought into question. Example: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethb...ems-has-a-remarkably-high-error-rate-n2581624
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Over a thousand signed affidavits! Statistical evidence of more mail in ballets received than ballet requests. A video showing ballet stuffing, And the fact that one State ignored it's own election laws by unauthorized changing of election rules just prior to the vote! Plus proof of voter fraud, in several States.such as dead people voting. People voting from States they don't live in. Illegal citizens that voted..

Please cite the source. As far as affidavits...if Bill Clinton had submitted an affidavit that said "I didn't have sex with that woman", would he not have been impeached? That drunk chick said that she signed an affidavid". A signed affidavit isn't a guarantee of anything. Here is a link to a 60 minutes interview with the Georgia Secretary of State. Watch it and see what you think. Trump said that there were 5,000 dead people who voted in Georgia. The GA SOS said it was 2. I'll believe the Georgian.

The affidavits were signed under penalty of perjury. Just sayin.
Yep. And Bill Clinton took an oath in front a grand jury. Sometimes people lie. Just sayin.

And I wonder...was the affidavit something like "I seen them pull a cooler out from under a table"? Or did they have proof to back up their statement?
So, is this the man you voted for?

And the guy you voted for rambled for an hour from topic to topic to topic, then back to the first topic, then over the third topic and then back to the first again. Then he urged everybody to never give up and to stop the steal. I'll take Joe any day.
Over a thousand signed affidavits! Statistical evidence of more mail in ballets received than ballet requests. A video showing ballet stuffing, And the fact that one State ignored it's own election laws by unauthorized changing of election rules just prior to the vote! Plus proof of voter fraud, in several States.such as dead people voting. People voting from States they don't live in. Illegal citizens that voted..The fact that the software in the Dominion voting machines used in several States was brought into question. Example: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethb...ems-has-a-remarkably-high-error-rate-n2581624

Do any of you research this false crap? Republicans have said fair election, fake bs, except for the pansies afraid to tell trump to stfu. Educate yourself.
Yep. And Bill Clinton took an oath in front a grand jury. Sometimes people lie. Just sayin.

And I wonder...was the affidavit something like "I seen them pull a cooler out from under a table"? Or did they have proof to back up their statement?

Hey, KCF.

Imagine (God Forbid), you're on trial for a murder that happened, when you were in ANOTHER state, when the crime occured.

You then look at the jury, and you see Inspector04.
You then hear through the grapevine, that a friend of a friend's cousin, told Insp04, that they think they saw you in the state where the crime happened !

Yep. And Bill Clinton took an oath in front a grand jury. Sometimes people lie. Just sayin.

And I wonder...was the affidavit something like "I seen them pull a cooler out from under a table"? Or did they have proof to back up their statement?
How many were actually investigated? If all these people (or even the vast majority) were lying you would think they should be prosecuted. How many were?
How many were actually investigated? If all these people (or even the vast majority) were lying you would think they should be prosecuted. How many were?
HOw many of them had any evidence to support their affidavit? The courts may have saved them a little jail time by dismissing the cases. And if we want a "fair" election, should we demand that NONE of the affidavit signers lied? If I said that I saw you shoot somebody and I signed an affidavit that said I saw you shoot them, but had zero evidence to back it up, other than my claim that I saw you, would you want that to be held against you in court? How do they prove I was lying?
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