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Let me get this straight

Over a thousand signed affidavits! Statistical evidence of more mail in ballets received than ballet requests. A video showing ballet stuffing, And the fact that one State ignored it's own election laws by unauthorized changing of election rules just prior to the vote! Plus proof of voter fraud, in several States.such as dead people voting. People voting from States they don't live in. Illegal citizens that voted..The fact that the software in the Dominion voting machines used in several States was brought into question. Example: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethb...ems-has-a-remarkably-high-error-rate-n2581624
Except for fact that every darn court...including SCOTUS packed with right and left and trump appointed judges tossed out the cases because of Lack of Evidence. It sure didnt help having fruitcake Giuliani as lawyer nor the baffoon named Sidney Powell
Except for fact that every darn court...including SCOTUS packed with right and left and trump appointed judges tossed out the cases because of Lack of Evidence. It sure didnt help having fruitcake Giuliani as lawyer nor the baffoon named Sidney Powell
Wrong! ....They ruled it had no "Standing"! Which had nothing to do with evidence!
Video They Don't Want You to See: Leftists Destroy DC After 2017 Inauguration ttps://rumble.com/vct27p-video-they-dont-want-you-to-see-leftists-destroy-dc-after-2017-inauguration.html?mref=23gga&mc=8uxj1&fbclid=IwAR1qw08-K5VSHssyFgjBtNZpulbWEzNYSF2EMqahrTWrzC3GRg8dJ_HVQHE
Video They Don't Want You to See: Leftists Destroy DC After 2017 Inauguration ttps://rumble.com/vct27p-video-they-dont-want-you-to-see-leftists-destroy-dc-after-2017-inauguration.html?mref=23gga&mc=8uxj1&fbclid=IwAR1qw08-K5VSHssyFgjBtNZpulbWEzNYSF2EMqahrTWrzC3GRg8dJ_HVQHE

Aside from the fact that you link won't work with "ttps" at the start, I changed it to HTTPS and only got a google search with stories about the incident on the 6th. So I searched and indeed...there it was on that radical leftist site "PBS". But of course, with their leftist spin, the had to add that it wasn't along the parade route...and you're right...the left out the part about them attacking the Capitol. And Obama urging them to do so. But you do bring up a good point...inauguration day hasn't arrived yet. This will be the time for Trump supporters to show us just how respectful they are, although I fear that there might be gunppay or bombings, which of course will be attributed to antifa in MAGA hats'
They must have learned from the best...google "Max Cleland". Also...I don't care if they lost their arms, legs and ass...if they support attacking the Capitol over an election that was lost and his side didn't win...then he does NOT support democracy.

FOX NEWS, Insp04, and the ORANGE MAGGOT, all have one thing in common.

They're on a ONE WAY TICKET to " PALOOKAVILLE " !!

" THEY"RE " gonna' need a solid WEEK, to DISINFECT '1600' Pennsylvania Av. !!

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