What if? What if? What if? And so on and so forth. What if all Republicans who support the act of negating the election of President Elect, Joe Biden decided to have sex change operations so that they could get a job in a bar (there are several in every major U.Sl city)featuring them pantomiming popular songs and make an honest living doing something for which there is a demand. We could go on for days playing What If. Here's a fresh one...The president doth protest too much methinks........But why?
Here is a conspiracy theory to chew on: What if certain people in the GOP were 100%, cocksure they had the election fixed so Trump would win but were double crossed and the only way for Trump to lose would be if the democrats DID cheat? and to turn up evidence would actually incriminate the GOP? That would be something!
What if you and all your buddies decided to follow the laws and Constitution of the United States, accept the fact that Joe Biden won the election by getting more (a lot more) votes that Trump, and we all have a new chant: Trump is a loser, Trump is a loser. Tra la la la la..