Let me get this straight

No that's not it. The reason that Biden got declared the winner is because he got the most votes. Your guys and Trump ran around claiming evidence of fraud and they described this evidence in detail. Problem: when courts (including the Supremes) asked for physical evidence of fraud, none of your guys--especially Ghouliani--were able to produce such evidence. (Well Ghouliani did, but his hair dye ran onto the ballot which disqualified it as evidence. I'm not one to say I told him so, but...I told him that liquid shoe polish was not waterproof and when he sweated like a pig it would run. Would he listen to me? But, NO!)
This was from another board, and it's from Facebook oddly enough....It's by a Republican Senator from Nebraska. He kind of lays out what is going on so that even a Trump supporter might understand it.


This is perhaps the most interesting thing from his view

From where I sit, the single-most telling fact is that there a giant gulf between what President Trump and his allies say in public – for example, on social media, or at press conferences outside Philadelphia landscaping companies and adult bookstores – and what President Trump’s lawyers actually say in courts of law. And that’s not a surprise. Because there are no penalties for misleading the public. But there are serious penalties for misleading a judge, and the president’s lawyers know that – and thus they have repeated almost none of the claims of grand voter fraud that the campaign spokespeople are screaming at their most zealous supporters. So, here’s the heart of this whole thing: this isn’t really a legal strategy – it’s a fundraising strategy.
No that's not it. The reason that Biden got declared the winner is because he got the most votes. Your guys and Trump ran around claiming evidence of fraud and they described this evidence in detail. Problem: when courts (including the Supremes) asked for physical evidence of fraud, none of your guys--especially Ghouliani--were able to produce such evidence. (Well Ghouliani did, but his hair dye ran onto the ballot which disqualified it as evidence. I'm not one to say I told him so, but...I told him that liquid shoe polish was not waterproof and when he sweated like a pig it would run. Would he listen to me? But, NO!)
This was from another board, and it's from Facebook oddly enough....It's by a Republican Senator from Nebraska. He kind of lays out what is going on so that even a Trump supporter might understand it.


This is perhaps the most interesting thing from his view

From where I sit, the single-most telling fact is that there a giant gulf between what President Trump and his allies say in public – for example, on social media, or at press conferences outside Philadelphia landscaping companies and adult bookstores – and what President Trump’s lawyers actually say in courts of law. And that’s not a surprise. Because there are no penalties for misleading the public. But there are serious penalties for misleading a judge, and the president’s lawyers know that – and thus they have repeated almost none of the claims of grand voter fraud that the campaign spokespeople are screaming at their most zealous supporters. So, here’s the heart of this whole thing: this isn’t really a legal strategy – it’s a fundraising strategy.
Is that the same Ben Sasse who kissed Trumps ass for an endorsement then turned on Him after he was reelected?............Oh I thought so.

They were filing based on claims that hadn't been thoroughly vetted at the time of filing. Hence, the various CYA claims of 'no evidence'.

No that's not it. The reason that Biden got declared the winner is because he got the most votes. Your guys and Trump ran around claiming evidence of fraud and they described this evidence in detail. Problem: when courts (including the Supremes) asked for physical evidence of fraud, none of your guys--especially Ghouliani--were able to produce such evidence. (Well Ghouliani did, but his hair dye ran onto the ballot which disqualified it as evidence. I'm not one to say I told him so, but...I told him that liquid shoe polish was not waterproof and when he sweated like a pig it would run. Would he listen to me? But, NO!)

If so, why did a Federal judge issue his opinion in Michigan, where one of the reasons was that there was no time to investigate the evidence in court proceedings?
Is that the same Ben Sasse who kissed Trumps ass for an endorsement then turned on Him after he was reelected?............Oh I thought so.

They were filing based on claims that hadn't been thoroughly vetted at the time of filing. Hence, the various CYA claims of 'no evidence'.

If so, why did a Federal judge issue his opinion in Michigan, where one of the reasons was that there was no time to investigate the evidence in court proceedings?
YOu know....there has been fraud of one type or another in every election in the past 200+ years. Some of it might actually have affected a LOCAL election, but not a national election. Was there hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes cast for president in 2020? I don't think so. ` As Sasse pointed out - even if every contested vote in Philadelphia was thrown out, Trump still lost the state by over 70,000 votes. So PA doesn't flip. He lost Michigan by over 154,000 votes. Was there THAT much fraud in Michigan? Oh yeah...he was ahead and suddenly votes for Biden surged. It MUST be fraud. OR it could be that Michigan doesn't allow mail in ballots to be counted until election day, and the results for Detroit and Wayne county, which has a population that exceeds the next 80 counties COMBINED started coming in.
So, here’s the heart of this whole thing: this isn’t really a legal strategy – it’s a fundraising strategy.

...And by counts, a pretty successful one...

OR it could be that Michigan doesn't allow mail in ballots to be counted until election day, and the results for Detroit and Wayne county, which has a population that exceeds the next 80 counties COMBINED started coming in.

Same story across the lake in WI, with Dane and Milwaukee counties.
YOu know....there has been fraud of one type or another in every election in the past 200+ years. Some of it might actually have affected a LOCAL election, but not a national election. Was there hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes cast for president in 2020? I don't think so. ` As Sasse pointed out - even if every contested vote in Philadelphia was thrown out, Trump still lost the state by over 70,000 votes. So PA doesn't flip. He lost Michigan by over 154,000 votes. Was there THAT much fraud in Michigan? Oh yeah...he was ahead and suddenly votes for Biden surged. It MUST be fraud. OR it could be that Michigan doesn't allow mail in ballots to be counted until election day, and the results for Detroit and Wayne county, which has a population that exceeds the next 80 counties COMBINED started coming in.
Only one way to find out, and that is letting the evidence be investigated during due process and go from there.
Stop being media whore and rebroadcasting what is reported in the media.

Flipping the election isn't the object, it is proving to the American people that, yes , there was local, widespread election fraud.
The American people have a right to know in court, one way or the other.

If there in no election fraud, why are the dems so adamant to an election commission?
Only one way to find out, and that is letting the evidence be investigated during due process and go from there.
Stop being media whore and rebroadcasting what is reported in the media.

Flipping the election isn't the object, it is proving to the American people that, yes , there was local, widespread election fraud.
The American people have a right to know in court, one way or the other.

If there in no election fraud, why are the dems so adamant to an election commission?

We spent millions recounting one state....and the result was that Trump LOST votes. If Republicans want to investigate elections in the coming years, let them. But let the RNC pay for it. And just because a ballot was mailed in does not make it fraudulent, despite what Trump might say. A few years ago, Kansas spent millions (thank you Kris Kobach) to crack down on voter fraud. The found 17 cases and of those, they were all REPUBLICAN voters who voted in two states. Seventeen cases wasn't going to impact much. Why are democrats so adamant? Maybe because Trump is proving to be a very sore loser who is chipping away at our democracy with every twit he sends out. Trump made a tactical error by saying mail in ballots were fraudulent months before an election (during a pandemic). Democrats didn't. So good Trumpsters weren't about to participate in anything fraudulent so they didn't vote by mail. And who knows....in some "safe" red states like Georgia, they might have just stayed home since Georgia has gone red (save for Jimmy Carter) for the past 50 years.

Also...he's now calling the Georgia Senate election illegal and invalid. Which MIGHT cause some of his ardent "stop the steal" fans from showing up at the polls this month. THAT has the potential to end Republican control of the Senate.

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