What about PHX and LAS? Our Costa Rica only runs on Saturday. Heck might as we'll and pull the market like everything else in these hubs! :down:On the earnings conference call a reporter from the Charlotte Business Journal (or some Charlotte paper) asked a follow up question based on earlier comments about possibly having to remove some international flights from Philadelphia if the gates don't come through and if that could mean more international service for CLT. Kirby stated that it could mean that, and that they were definitely looking to expand internationally from CLT in the not too distant future to both Europe AND South America....Doug quickly interjected and threw in an "EVENTUALLY". Then Scott said...."Yeah, eventually". Then this application for CLT service to South America less then one week later.....either they didn't want to let on that they could be filing this or they think Bogota is in a country that is in Latin America or the Carribbean...not South America