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United To Replace Weather Folks

Just my thought from outside.........I don't see how closing a department and buying the meterological information somewhere else can be called scabbing. Heck, you can get weather maps on the internet for free at weather.com. I guess under this definition, the weather channel is a scab outfit. It could go on and on.

On the other hand....Any union member (pilots, ticket agents, rampers, etc) who goes to work at NWA after the mechanics have gone on strike (assuming they do) is a scab, no question about it. The mechanics set up picket lines, other union members cross it, they stamp your forehead "SCAB" :down:
I think that we should use the term SCAB for the true people who desere it. A SCAB is ONLY when a legal picket line is crossed by people with the specific intent to take the job away from the people who are on strike. That is the only definition. To call anyone else a SCAB demeans the effort of people who have walked the picket lines.
North by Northwest said:
No...they just closed down the entire dept. and hire scabs (outsource) replacements at a lower cost. If it walks like a scab, talks like a scab, works like a scab...IT'S a SCAB. I am sure the fine people in the weather dept knows the difference.

So NBNW are all of those Northworst Airstink employees that have replaced mainline flying SCABS? Just using your logic, NWA outsourced the flying to these express companies and that would make them scabs, right???? Just want to make sure we have the angle correct on what you are saying.
magsau said:
So NBNW are all of those Northworst Airstink employees that have replaced mainline flying SCABS? Just using your logic, NWA outsourced the flying to these express companies and that would make them scabs, right???? Just want to make sure we have the angle correct on what you are saying.

UA is way behind the curve on this....TWA outsourced the WX department years before the AA thing even came up.
Gotta agree with scabs being the ones who cross lines. Oterwise Express is scab labor, codesharing is scab labor, any kind of OSV maintenance or fueling is scab labor, etc.

No contract was aborgated, no one was walking the line. Raw deal, yes. Scab work? no.