If he can throw away the cost neutral contracts with this deal why can't he do it now with the two companies he has now?
Because US does not have anywhere near the higher paying O&D that Delta has. I love PHX and CLT but they are small beans to JFK, SLC, and ATL in terms of frequency and service.
Doug and labor are in disagreement about cost neutral in the current US, which except for PHL relies on a lot of low yielding highly competitive connect traffic. The new Delta will have a lot of good things going for it that even the Parker knows that he cannot hide the revenue from labor.
As much as people are for or against it the mere fact that he could take America West and turn it into a company that could takeover Delta says a lot about him and his staff.
True they are untested in the long run, but then is anyone really happy with the way things have been run in most legacies. With the exception of AA and CO the rest of the legacy airline management has let themselves and their employees down. Someone has to try to turn them around or else they will flounder. If he fails than better companies will survive and flourish.
I find it very ironic that Delta's current CEO is now making public statement against the false promises of merger when he himself oversaw the Delta/Western merger. Trust me when I say this battle is also very much a new generation of airline CEO (Leonard, Neeleman, Parker) taking on an older generation (Greensteen, Steenland).
Scorn him, praise him, whatever, but the fact is he has so far, even with all the US troubles, delivered financially.