And what exactly is your profession?twuer said:Buck, you take me too seriously man.
We take our professoin very seriously. Why do you think we take the time out of our busy schedules to try to debate with you AMFA boys. We have seen the damage that AMFA does. We don't want any part of AMFA.
And honestly, I would rather be credited with sarcasm than with making accusations and personal attacks.
Hopefully you guys get your wish and you dont get any part of AMFA, however the mechanics at AA are going AMFA.
Other than raising wages what damage has the AMFA done to the profession?
Contracting out? Up until 2001 who was the leader among the majors in contracting out?- the TWU represented AA. Other airlines had to go bankrupt to get a fraction of what the TWU gave away to AA over the last twenty years.
It would be interesting to see a comparasion of A&Ps vs RPMs in the industry.
Now if you want to talk about the TWU thats another story.
The TWU was the first union to transfer R&D away from A&P mechanics. This hurt the profession of A&P mechanics for as any unionist knows you always fight to keep work. The TWU took it away from A&Ps and gave it to other TWU members.
The TWU was the first union to transfer Deicing away from A&P mechanics.This hurt the profession of A&P mechanics for as any unionist knows you always fight to keep work. The TWU took it away from A&Ps and gave it to other TWU members.
The TWU was the first union to create a new subclass of mechanics. This further diluted the demand for A&P mechanics. As anyone knows reduced demand is never good for the supplier-us. However to the TWU this meant more members since AA could now pay rates that made outsourcing uneconomical. Once again the TWU took work away from A&Ps and gave it to other TWU members, many of whom would like to be paid as an A&P but since this work is no longer considered A&P work they have to setttle for the lower pay.
So its not the power of the union that keeps work in house, its the ability of the company to lower costs as if there was no union that keeps the work "in the TWU house, but not in the A&P house". The TWU does not fight to keep work in house they submit and beg. There is quite a difference. Fighting is "That is OUR work, ship it out and we will shut you down", the TWU does not do that. Instead they get bad deals and push them through "without further ratification because the company was threatening bankruptcy and if we didnt take this they would take even more, boo hoo, there is nothing we can do" (with over $1billion in cash and the summer approaching, 4 months later they were showing a profit). Then years later when the storm has passed and the company is rolling in record profits the TWU says "dont blame us, you guys voted for it", just like in 95 and all the other contracts since 1980.
What is really galling about the TWU ATD is that they always blame the members for their failures. In my time here the TWU only once recomended that we reject a contract, and it was. Then they came back and brought back a worse deal and said to vote yes, and it was. In fact over the last twenty years the membership has always followed the "lead" of the International. So what is with this "the members are to blame because they dont get involved" crap? Then when the members complain that they were led the wrong way the International says "You voted for it", mildly translated " You trusted us and you got screwed, thats what you get for trusting us. But 'I GOT MINE'".
Its not unreasonable for union members to trust their union. In fact its desirable. But when a union comes back with answers like "you voted for it", and goes on and on about the membership not being supportive of the union as the reason for our decline, one has to wonder what is going on? How many times can they pull this and still expect trust?
With the TWU "leaders" can take this attitude where they tell us to accept something then blame us for following their advice because we have no recourse. WE cant vote them out. Instead we are allowed to only vote for Local leaders. Those leaders in turn can be removed by the International if they dont fall in line. So the members have no recourse.
So with the TWU we not only have a union that consistantly attacks and degrades our profession but they are also unaccountable.
We need a union that will FIGHTfor our profession and have leadership that can be held accountable for what they tell us we should accept.
We need AMFA.