mrman said:
Its all about degrees or risk. That lap child is safer on the plane than in a tub being bathed. Under this logic, we "endager" children by bathing them, leaving them with a baby sitter, giving them a polio shot, etc.. More kids were killed or injured in these activities than being lap children
Although you are correct - there are lots of activities that are more dangerous than holding your child on your lap on an airplane - I respectfully disagree that your observation supports the policies permitting lap children.
What is really at issue is whether people should be compelled to behave in the most reasonably safe manner for each activity, not whether one activity is inherently more risky than another unrelated activity.
Riding as a passenger in an automobile is much safer than many other daily activities, but we don't allow people to forego the use of child seats and seat belts because of it, now do we? As a society, we generally require people to take reasonable precautions to protect their infants' safety, even if those precautions cost money.
And IMO, a 50% infant fare ticket is a reasonable expense to impose on someone who is already buying one or more 100% tickets.
I see plenty of families with several kids at the airports and on board, especially in the summer and at the holidays. So buying $800 or $1,000 or more of airfare for the family isn't breaking them. Some of those families also lay out another $100 or so for their under-24 month old kid. That's what I did when my kids were under 24 months. Of those who don't, I don't buy the antiquated notion that they might drive instead if forced to buy that $100 ticket.
We could afford the $1,000 to fly the brood to MCO, but we'd drive if forced to buy the youngin a 50% ticket for $100. Uh-huh. Maybe one or two Bubbas in this country would decide that, but not too many.
If so many people really would drive rather than buy their infant a 50% ticket, we wouldn't see so many families with children at the airports, especially in the summer.
Like I've said many times - if you can't afford (or are unwilling to pay) another $100 or so for a 50% ticket for your infant, perhaps you should re-evaluate whether you can really afford the trip at all.