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Labors Only Choice


Jan 6, 2003
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Labors only strategy at the negotiating table is the willingness to risk all, in order to make advances for workers. In other words the unions have to be prepared to walkout if the judge/company chooses to abrogate the contract.
Until the unions find a backbone, the company will continue to take from the workers and continue to give to the executives. The workers cannot continue to subsidize failed business plans in order for the unions to collect dues.
Wages and benefits of dues payers, not only at US, but other airlines, as well as other industries, need to be the primary focus.
Any union that saves the dues at all cost, do just as much damage to workers everywhere, as Corporate greed.
As I said in another post, if the company wants us to survive, we will and they will work WITH us. Kudos to the CWA for letting the company know enough is enough!!
firstamendment said:
As I said in another post, if the company wants us to survive, we will and they will work WITH us. Kudos to the CWA for letting the company know enough is enough!!

Agreed. The CWA leadership should be commended. :up: :up:

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