Labor and the new American

Well, I'm certainly hoping that the LCC unions have the backbone to stand firm. From what I have seen in my vast career of 12 years at AA, the TWU and the APFA are only expert in rolling over and playing dead, then after a conciliatory contract is "the best we could do", the union officers vote themselves a pay raise so that they are not affected by the cuts in pay and benefits for the rest of us.
Here at USAir the union prefers "They Can Do That" and "we could be charging up to 2.5 time your hourly wage" per the bylaws.....
I hope you guys can get me my holidays and vacation back. The TWU will not.
The TWU didn't even ask for them back. In fact they even gave ANOTHER week of our vacation away.
jimntx said:
Well, I'm certainly hoping that the LCC unions have the backbone to stand firm. From what I have seen in my vast career of 12 years at AA, the TWU and the APFA are only expert in rolling over and playing dead, then after a conciliatory contract is "the best we could do", the union officers vote themselves a pay raise so that they are not affected by the cuts in pay and benefits for the rest of us.
Examining the AFA-CWA's track record at US, I wouldn't get very excited if I were you. It took them several years to get a contract, (seven, I believe) during which time they worked under the worst contract in the industry. That's a really long time to endure. And AFA's record at other carriers isn't much better.
For example, when AFA was elected the bargaining representative at F9, the leadership simply rubber stamped the work rules that they had always operated under, rather than try to negotiate for any improvements-- leaving many wondering what they were paying dues for.
At the former Midwest Express, you can see how successful AFA was in trying to preserve their careers at Republic or F9, which was not very. 
Lots of former CO flight attendants are not excited about the prospect of having AFA as their new representative.
Delta flight attendants decided that they would rather have no union at all than AFA-CWA.
I know APFA isn't perfect, but I wonder if you aren't giving them enough credit. There's quite a bit of history that you should make you proud of your union and its accomplishments. Even some of the low points, such as the raw deal that was given to the former TWA stews, you gotta admit, was as much about the APFA being strong as it was about the IAM being weak.
The AFA wasnt at fault at US for the protracted negotiations, it took eight years for them to get a JCBA, the pilots are still not one group after eight years and all three IAM groups are going on three  years for Section 6 negotiations and I believe almost two for the agents who are CWA.
Nothing to spin AA demanded every union at TW waive their LPPs or TW would have gone chapter 7, and the APFA screwed the FAs and the IAM spent over $5 million fighting it.
But how many times are we going to have to explain it?
I'll be retired before you sort this crap out.  TWU-IAM are dividing labor more than ever with their Made-In-Hell "alliance".  Talk about divide and conquer.  Only fools would let this happen without a lawsuit and an election to select ONE representative.   
700UW said:
The AFA wasnt at fault at US for the protracted negotiations, it took eight years for them to get a JCBA, the pilots are still not one group after eight years and all three IAM groups are going on three  years for Section 6 negotiations and I believe almost two for the agents who are CWA.
Nothing to spin AA demanded every union at TW waive their LPPs or TW would have gone chapter 7, and the APFA screwed the FAs and the IAM spent over $5 million fighting it.
But how many times are we going to have to explain it?
How did the APFA screw them if the IAM was the one who waived their successor ship language?

They had an agreement and reneged on it, but I guess in your rush to blame the IAM, you didn't get the real story.
700UW said:
They had an agreement and reneged on it, but I guess in your rush to blame the IAM, you didn't get the real story.
Prove it. The IAM screwed up not AFA. Maybe if they had competent people at the District and Grand lodge level this wouldn't happen. Remind us what mainline F/A groups the IAM represents...oh wait that's right they don't. The IAM has led the industry in the race to the bottom with concessions and regressive agreements. Hopefully they will clean house once the DOL investigation is complete and get competent leaders who take interest in the membership not the union careers like the current phonies they have running the organization.


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