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Justice Antonin Scalia found dead

Glenn Quagmire said:
I did include it. (See my quote below)

It seems that I have to shorten my sentences with some to allow them the opportunity to comprehend.

I did just that in a follow-up post, which you have now latched on to to make a point already made.

In the decision, the court affirmed the right of the president to make recess appointments. They also ruled that pro-forma sessions were actually considered to be a senate in session. That is one of the three questions that what was decided here.

We both saw what you posted only for you to go back and change it.
The full quote invalidates your entire ridiculous and absurd argument as it is.
Glenn Quagmire said:
I did include it. (See my quote below)

It seems that I have to shorten my sentences with some to allow them the opportunity to comprehend.

I did just that in a follow-up post, which you have now latched on to to make a point already made.

In the decision, the court affirmed the right of the president to make recess appointments. They also ruled that pro-forma sessions were actually considered to be a senate in session. That is one of the three questions that what was decided here.

And totally alter the content and meaning of that sentence.
Prof would slap you silly.
He can make recess appointments still, but there are restrictions and conditions.
Why is that so hard for the RW, to understand?
But Obama can announce it today and there is nothing Mitch can do.
700UW said:
He can make recess appointments still, but there are restrictions and conditions.
Why is that so hard for the RW, to understand?
Those restrictions and conditions were in existence prior to the ruling. Obama tried to circumvent the Constitution, again, and got caught.
Never was any question as it had been settled previously.
Its an issue of the left altering original text for some political point......
700UW said:
But Obama can announce it today and there is nothing Mitch can do.
Holiday, he's out golfing.
He said he wouldn't until they adjourn.
He does fib quite a bit though.
700UW said:
He can make recess appointments still, but there are restrictions and conditions.
Why is that so hard for the RW, to understand?
Thats not whats being argued.
700UW said:
But Obama can announce it today and there is nothing Mitch can do.
lol Keep dreaming.
You’ll Be Shocked to Learn That Chuck Schumer Is a Massive Hypocrite
(like most liberals)
“We should not confirm any Bush nominee to the Supreme Court except in extraordinary circumstances,” Schumer said.
“They must prove by actions not words that they are in the mainstream rather than we have to prove that they are not.”
This speech was delivered July 27, 2007. So Schumer – who now balks at the idea of a 300-day delay in appointing
a Justice – would have been perfectly okay with filibustering a Supreme Court nominee for 543 days.
700UW said:
He can make recess appointments still, but there are restrictions and conditions.
Why is that so hard for the RW, to understand?
Those restrictions and conditions were in existence prior to the ruling. Obama tried to circumvent the Constitution, again, and got caught.
townpete said:
Thats not whats being argued.
lol Keep dreaming.
Dont let the facts get in your way.
You are wrong, so give it up already, you just make yourself look even more foolish, your own article prove you wrong, and apparently you arent smart enough to figure that out, its not the first time you have done this and wont be the last.
Glenn Quagmire, on 14 Feb 2016 - 1:34 PM, said:
Glenn Quagmire said:
Because on a Saturday afternoon of a holiday (President's Day, no less) weekend he is supposed to be waiting in the situation room for news of impending deaths of SCOTUS judges and such.
delldude said:
He's been partying on your dime since Wednesday, Thursday official business on the Ellen DeGeneres show.
In the mean time, a half dozen or so LEO's went EOW while he's having a good time on our dime, and hardly a word recently.

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