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Junior Pilots At Usairways/mda Feel Sold Out


You don't need to apologize to me for feeling that way since I pretty much agree with the sentiment. Others mentioned B-scale (we don't negotiate for non-members rationale), furloughs (it's just a part of an airline career rationale), etc.

If not the case slowly working its way through the courts now, someday ALPA is going to be hoisted on the DFR stake.

By the luck of being at the right place at the right time, I've missed B scale and furlough (and known true "turbogrowth"). So for me to use either of the justifications above would be hypocrisy at its worst.

I'm not a U pilot, but I do have a family member who is a pilot at another airline. So I am somewhat familiar with the issues of seniority and negotiations. Frankly, the you will be senior one day argument has never passed the smell test. Seniority means you get better schedules, fly bigger higher paying equipment, and are more insulated against furlough. It does not and should not mean that the contract favors you over the junior folks. The U MEC evidently does not believe this.

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