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John McCain to intercept North Korean ship


Oct 29, 2002
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The USS John McCain, a navy destroyer, will intercept the ship Kang Nam as soon as it leaves the vicinity off the coast of China, according to a senior U.S. defense official. The order to inderdict has not been given yet, but the ship is getting into position.

This could get very very interesting and very very out of hand.

I read about that this morning. That little sawed off paranoid twerp is nutty enough to think he can win, or at least go down fighting. Can't keep giving him what he wants and you cannot really fight him. China needs to step up and spank their kid hard. I hope if NK decides to do something really stupid that China will step in. It is not in China's economic interest to let this get out of hand. Short of going to war and making the losses endured in Iraq/Afghanistan look paltry by comparison, I fail to see what can be done. Last I heard there is no movement on or near the DMZ so at least that is a good sign.
I read about that this morning. That little sawed off paranoid twerp is nutty enough to think he can win, or at least go down fighting. Can't keep giving him what he wants and you cannot really fight him. China needs to step up and spank their kid hard. I hope if NK decides to do something really stupid that China will step in. It is not in China's economic interest to let this get out of hand. Short of going to war and making the losses endured in Iraq/Afghanistan look paltry by comparison, I fail to see what can be done. Last I heard there is no movement on or near the DMZ so at least that is a good sign.
China step in?? LOL!! The heavy hands are sitting around a table with a keg of beer and chips for everyone, waiting for the game to start! What NK is doing, is a TEST(once again).....Hmmm. Didn't I hear that somewhere?? :shock:

NK , by playing their games once again, are doing their(Chinese) bidding for them. They would not even act on Tawain, let alone NK.

Your comparison is much like saying Saudi Arabia, UAE, or Turkey for that matter, would step into the sham of what is happenning in Iran!

Good Day
Who knows what paranoid little mini-me in North Korea will due. He seems to be perfectly willing starve his people to keep his armed forces running.

While China in the past has been a bit lenient with him it is definitely not in their interest to have Kim cross the 38th parallel. Their trade with USA and South Korea is much more important. If war were to occur it would send the world economy into a tail spin. The end result would be the north falling. However it would be a bloody fight.
yeah!!!!! let's takem out!!!!!!!

ours it the most powerfull military in the world , it's time we take the glove off of our little pinky ....

did you guys know that we have 11 of the worlds 21 aircraft carriers ... and as far as classification goes we have 11 out of 11 SUPER aircraft carriers ....

we don't just have a big stick , we have a HUGE stick .... by just baning it on the ground we should be able to scare the living daylights out of north korea ..
Think Obama has the common sense to call up Kissinger? Personally I don't think he has the brains that God gave a gnat, but that's just me.

He doesn't have to.........He's surrounded himself with the most elite,smartest minds on the planet......nothing can't be dealt with by the progressive socialists.
May he can call Palin. After all, she has substantial international experience in dealing with Russia. She said Russian planes fly over Alaska. She also said they look out each day to see if Russians are walking around in Alaska.

Having said that, being POTUS is all about OJT. Bush had no intentional experience in dealing with conflicts (that much is obvious). Neither did Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford or Nixon before they got into office.
Having said that, being POTUS is all about OJT. Bush had no intentional experience in dealing with conflicts (that much is obvious). Neither did Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford or Nixon before they got into office.
Stop that factual nonsense again Garf.

That only applies to the current POTUS.

And yes, I am quite sure at some point I was guilty of doing the same thing to Bush while in office. (Blaming him for lack of experience).
He doesn't have to.........He's surrounded himself with the most elite,smartest minds on the planet......nothing can't be dealt with by the progressive socialists.

I also believe that the people you surround your self with are critical. Bush I had some people around him who were smart enough to tell him NOT to topple Iraq and to leave Sadam alone because it would create more problems than it would solve. Plus the coalition would not support it. That is what good advisers do. They will give you advise even though it is not the advise you may want to hear. W Bush surrounded him self with advisers who manipulated him and /or who told him what he wanted to hear. We all know how well that worked out. Obama is just out of the block so it is still difficult to determine who is in charge and whether or not he is getting good info from the people he surrounds him self with. So far I believe it's 50/50. He, like all other politicians is letting "politics" guide most of his decisions rather than right/wrong as he defines it.
yeah!!!!! let's takem out!!!!!!!

ours it the most powerfull military in the world , it's time we take the glove off of our little pinky ....

did you guys know that we have 11 of the worlds 21 aircraft carriers ... and as far as classification goes we have 11 out of 11 SUPER aircraft carriers ....

we don't just have a big stick , we have a HUGE stick .... by just baning it on the ground we should be able to scare the living daylights out of north korea ..

There's not much comparison between our military and North Korea's. While we have some of the most sophisticated equipment in the world most of their equipment belongs in a museum. That does not mean they can't kill you with it. Seoul is within artillery range of over a thousand North Korean artillery pieces.

If war were to break out on the Korean peninsula it would be an incredibly bloody fight. A fight that would ruin the South Korean economy and put a severe strain on the rest of the world. Of course there would be go knows how many civilians killed. I don't think the North Koreans are going to care where those artillery rounds are going to land.
Stop that factual nonsense again Garf.

That only applies to the current POTUS.

And yes, I am quite sure at some point I was guilty of doing the same thing to Bush while in office. (Blaming him for lack of experience).

In this case it doesn't matter who he has.........the Progressives can fix anything because they are smarter and have a better grasp of it than people like us.
That's why socialism is so successful all over the planet.