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JFK FA Reduction in Force


Aug 6, 2004
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The overage is actually 110 but they are saying RIF to only 60? How will that work? What about the overage this will create for the LGA domestic FAs? Are overage leaves on the way?
Here's the letter:

To All JFK FAs:

We have been advised that this Friday, Sept 16th, 2011, AA will announce a JFK Reduction in Force effective November 1, 2011 for up to 60 FAs.

In speaking with the Planning/Manning Dept along with Interim Regional Managing Director Frank Campagna yesterday, I was advised that this is the step they must go.

Originally, the plan was for up to 100 FAs however, after much discussion, the company did agree to reduce that number to 'up to' 60.
They advised that in doing so, there is still the potential of up to 40 Fall Offs each month.

It is our hope that the remaining possible Fall Offs will be off-set by Bid Leave requests each month.

Additionally, we are hopeful that of the 'up to' 60 number for the RIF will be filled by some volunteer FAs looking for a temporary, (hopefully no more than 6 month) change.

In the month of September 2011, there were 45 Fall Offs and 49% of them were volunteer. There was also 40 man months (40 full time jobs) given out in bid leaves.

For the month of October, Planning is hoping to have upwards of 40 man months (40 full time jobs) in bid leave requests. We will have Fall Offs for October as well.

Now, the questions. I will try to provide the answers as best I can.

1. How do I find out if I may be subject to the RIF?
Go to the Flight Service page on JetNet and click on "Web Roster" under the Helpful Links section which may be found on the right hand side of the page. Once the Web Roster page opens up select New York JFK under "Crewbase" then go to the "Sort by" option and select Seniority Number. Once the list is brought up - it should be 38 pages - go to the last page (38) and count backwards 60 people.

2. Why the RIF?
We have an overage of roughly 110 positions due to HND not coming back until JUN 2012. When there is that large of an overage, per the contract, if there is a steady foreseeable overage for longer than 6 months, the company can do a RIF.

3. Why then did the company have proffers into JFK this spring and summer?
Simply put, we could not cover the current and new flying that we had in April 2011. We did not have enough people at JFK to cover the 2nd BCN or the BUD trip. We repeatedly asked if other bases could cover one or two of our more consistent trips (such as LHR or some of our Caribbean flying so as to not take on more FAs and possibly run into an overage in the fall) and NONE of the other INT'l bases could cover the flying. IDF, IMA, IOR were all in the same boat as us. Any additional flying transferred from our base to another base would cause them to have a proffer in order to cover the flying only to leave them with an overage later in the year. This is something that clearly, the respective Chairpeople would fight. If AA wanted to transfer flying to JFK temporarily and it would result in a necessary proffer for us, I too, would have fought it tooth and nail. The difference here is that these 2 new trips originated and terminated at JFK. They were essentially, our flying. Further, the planning dept had expected that HND would come back after the initial delay of the service and more importantly, FCO was supposed to remain all year. That subsequently changed, with HND being suspended until JUN 2012 and FCO going back to seasonal flying and being suspended from NOV to April.

4. Am I subject to RSV at LGA if I am RIF'd regardless of my rotation at JFK?
Yes, as many of you know, if and until that language gets changed in our next CBA, a RIF is a transfer in base and you are subject to RSV if your seniority warrants it regardless of previous service. However, unlike in 2009, there are now many newly recalled FAs at LGA who are junior to even our most junior FA at JFK. These FAs of course will be below you on the RSV list at JFK. We are hopeful that this will alleviate any change to your current rotation.

5. Does the APFA have the power to stop a proffer or stop a RIF?
Absolutely not! Contrary to what many believe and all the emails that I will receive asking me how I could let this happen, I, as the Chairperson, nor the entity of the APFA, DO NOT possess the authority, the power, nor the magic wand to make it stop. I can kick, scream, pound my fist, jump up and down, stand on my head, and ultimately, the Company will do what they deem necessary to cover the operation. That being said, I do think that they will take into consideration what I have to say on the matter and I believe that they did with this RIF. I made it perfectly clear, that if necessary, I would rather see all FAs remain based at JFK and for them to do Fall Offs each month as needed. They said they could not do that. The original overage and thus calling for the RIF was 100. After my pointing out to them that I believe there will be a number of FAs who will volunteer to Fall off each month during the holiday months coupled with what I believe will be a higher number than normal of FAs who will request bid leaves during the holiday months, the company agreed to drop that number to 'up to' 60 rather than 100. They are hopeful it may even be less than 60. I asked about additional VCs via move up requests to be granted to offset the overage but that provides minimal relief due to budgetary restraints on the allotted vacations per month.

Now, all that being said, I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news and it is our biggest hope that there will be some who will volunteer to go back to domestic for the change which will offset the Forced RIF'd FAs and it is our hope that all who wish to be back at JFK will be recalled by April 1st 2012.

In Unity,
xxx yyy
The overage is actually 110 but they are saying RIF to only 60? How will that work? What about the overage this will create for the LGA domestic FAs? Are overage leaves on the way?
Here's the letter:

To All JFK FAs:

We have been advised that this Friday, Sept 16th, 2011, AA will announce a JFK Reduction in Force effective November 1, 2011 for up to 60 FAs.

In speaking with the Planning/Manning Dept along with Interim Regional Managing Director Frank Campagna yesterday, I was advised that this is the step they must go.

Originally, the plan was for up to 100 FAs however, after much discussion, the company did agree to reduce that number to 'up to' 60.
They advised that in doing so, there is still the potential of up to 40 Fall Offs each month.

It is our hope that the remaining possible Fall Offs will be off-set by Bid Leave requests each month.

Additionally, we are hopeful that of the 'up to' 60 number for the RIF will be filled by some volunteer FAs looking for a temporary, (hopefully no more than 6 month) change.

In the month of September 2011, there were 45 Fall Offs and 49% of them were volunteer. There was also 40 man months (40 full time jobs) given out in bid leaves.

For the month of October, Planning is hoping to have upwards of 40 man months (40 full time jobs) in bid leave requests. We will have Fall Offs for October as well.

Now, the questions. I will try to provide the answers as best I can.

1. How do I find out if I may be subject to the RIF?
Go to the Flight Service page on JetNet and click on "Web Roster" under the Helpful Links section which may be found on the right hand side of the page. Once the Web Roster page opens up select New York JFK under "Crewbase" then go to the "Sort by" option and select Seniority Number. Once the list is brought up - it should be 38 pages - go to the last page (38) and count backwards 60 people.

2. Why the RIF?
We have an overage of roughly 110 positions due to HND not coming back until JUN 2012. When there is that large of an overage, per the contract, if there is a steady foreseeable overage for longer than 6 months, the company can do a RIF.

3. Why then did the company have proffers into JFK this spring and summer?
Simply put, we could not cover the current and new flying that we had in April 2011. We did not have enough people at JFK to cover the 2nd BCN or the BUD trip. We repeatedly asked if other bases could cover one or two of our more consistent trips (such as LHR or some of our Caribbean flying so as to not take on more FAs and possibly run into an overage in the fall) and NONE of the other INT'l bases could cover the flying. IDF, IMA, IOR were all in the same boat as us. Any additional flying transferred from our base to another base would cause them to have a proffer in order to cover the flying only to leave them with an overage later in the year. This is something that clearly, the respective Chairpeople would fight. If AA wanted to transfer flying to JFK temporarily and it would result in a necessary proffer for us, I too, would have fought it tooth and nail. The difference here is that these 2 new trips originated and terminated at JFK. They were essentially, our flying. Further, the planning dept had expected that HND would come back after the initial delay of the service and more importantly, FCO was supposed to remain all year. That subsequently changed, with HND being suspended until JUN 2012 and FCO going back to seasonal flying and being suspended from NOV to April.

4. Am I subject to RSV at LGA if I am RIF'd regardless of my rotation at JFK?
Yes, as many of you know, if and until that language gets changed in our next CBA, a RIF is a transfer in base and you are subject to RSV if your seniority warrants it regardless of previous service. However, unlike in 2009, there are now many newly recalled FAs at LGA who are junior to even our most junior FA at JFK. These FAs of course will be below you on the RSV list at JFK. We are hopeful that this will alleviate any change to your current rotation.

5. Does the APFA have the power to stop a proffer or stop a RIF?
Absolutely not! Contrary to what many believe and all the emails that I will receive asking me how I could let this happen, I, as the Chairperson, nor the entity of the APFA, DO NOT possess the authority, the power, nor the magic wand to make it stop. I can kick, scream, pound my fist, jump up and down, stand on my head, and ultimately, the Company will do what they deem necessary to cover the operation. That being said, I do think that they will take into consideration what I have to say on the matter and I believe that they did with this RIF. I made it perfectly clear, that if necessary, I would rather see all FAs remain based at JFK and for them to do Fall Offs each month as needed. They said they could not do that. The original overage and thus calling for the RIF was 100. After my pointing out to them that I believe there will be a number of FAs who will volunteer to Fall off each month during the holiday months coupled with what I believe will be a higher number than normal of FAs who will request bid leaves during the holiday months, the company agreed to drop that number to 'up to' 60 rather than 100. They are hopeful it may even be less than 60. I asked about additional VCs via move up requests to be granted to offset the overage but that provides minimal relief due to budgetary restraints on the allotted vacations per month.

Now, all that being said, I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news and it is our biggest hope that there will be some who will volunteer to go back to domestic for the change which will offset the Forced RIF'd FAs and it is our hope that all who wish to be back at JFK will be recalled by April 1st 2012.

In Unity,
xxx yyy

SOS different day at AA! I already heard there's a group of f/a's at JFK filing a class action lawsuit against the company. How or what they will file it for, have no idea.
SOS different day at AA! I already heard there's a group of f/a's at JFK filing a class action lawsuit against the company. How or what they will file it for, have no idea.

Now that is funny. As if this hasn't happened before. IOR did the same thing a few years ago. Just to get L. Mallon on to International so she could go be a division rep. Nice little pay jump for her to not actually fly trips. Good gig if you can get it. Carvatta let an unneeded proffer to IOR for DME. She did apologize for it later. It was already going to be a reduced operation and they knew we were going to have a problem come fall. No problem just throw the junior people to the wolves. They could have either farmed out positions on a LHR trip or better yet could have not had an IMA proffer and given IOR some more Caribbean during the winter. NOPE, IMA still had the proffer and IOR had the RIF. Although there was some sort of agreement if you held the IMA proffer that you wouldn't lose your IOR spot later. As the proffer was before the effective date of the RIF. I think to this day L. Mallon still hasn't flown a trip in IOR, though not positive. Gotta love how management in ORD and the APFA worked together on that. Thanks Nancy!! That earned her a job back to the line. No more positive space commuting for her. Back to the supposed lawsuit, good luck with that. Might as well give your money to the dude standing on the on ramp to the freeway, at least he can use it. (for beer)
Now that is funny. As if this hasn't happened before. IOR did the same thing a few years ago. Just to get L. Mallon on to International so she could go be a division rep. Nice little pay jump for her to not actually fly trips. Good gig if you can get it. Carvatta let an unneeded proffer to IOR for DME. I think to this day L. Mallon still hasn't flown a trip in IOR, though not positive. Gotta love how management in ORD and the APFA worked together on that. Thanks Nancy!! That earned her a job back to the line. No more positive space commuting for her.
I was at IOR for that. I left just in time or I would probably have been back for a little while at ORD. Nothing like APFA working closely with the company. Not surprised about Mallon considering she, Nasca, and Edwards were the ones who made all the motions to sell us down the river in 2003 with the phone in balloting, negotiating with the company by any means necessary to reach a deal, shortening the ballot time, and then sending us the RPA without having a revote.

and Back to the supposed lawsuit, good luck with that. Might as well give your money to the dude standing on the on ramp to the freeway, at least he can use it. (for beer)

right? classic!
Here's the letter:

----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
To All JFK FAs:


4. Am I subject to RSV at LGA if I am RIF'd regardless of my rotation at JFK?
Yes, as many of you know, if and until that language gets changed in our next CBA, a RIF is a transfer in base and you are subject to RSV if your seniority warrants it regardless of previous service. However, unlike in 2009, there are now many newly recalled FAs at LGA who are junior to even our most junior FA at JFK. These FAs of course will be below you on the RSV list at JFK. We are hopeful that this will alleviate any change to your current rotation.


In Unity,
xxx yyy
In other words, fortunately we have the stapled former TWA flight attendants to cushion the fall.

Some unity, I'd expect more sensitivity from a union rep.
I am glad it doesn't say that "Unfortunately due to the seniority of the TWA flight attendants, whose airline we purchased out of bankruptcy, you AA flight attendants will be stuck on reserve the rest of your lives."

In other words, fortunately we have the stapled former TWA flight attendants to cushion the fall.

Some unity, I'd expect more sensitivity from a union rep.
In other words, fortunately we have the stapled former TWA flight attendants to cushion the fall.

Some unity, I'd expect more sensitivity from a union rep.

There's a whole lot going on here and slamming the former TWA people has nothing to do with it. I can see how you can look at it that way, but I really don't believe it was meant that way.

Nasca is treading water because EVERYONE at the base got on her case when she did nothing to grieve the introduction of 2 proffers AFTER the company had already declared a pull down in flying and Haneda was going away. EVERYONE to a MAN (woman) predicted this would happen and she discounted it.

When they RIFed last time the most junior at JFK had to serve 2 months in a row of reserve and they were pissed off. It's contractual but it should be if you voluntarily took a transfer to a different base or division you have to serve reserve if your seniority dictates, not if you were involuntarily put to a different division. Nasca is trying to make them feel like there is hope that the reserve list will alsready have people set to do their scheduled reserve month who are junior, both TWA and not, so maybe they can hold off.

There's a lawsuit brewing.
There's a whole lot going on here and slamming the former TWA people has nothing to do with it. I can see how you can look at it that way, but I really don't believe it was meant that way.

Nasca is treading water because EVERYONE at the base got on her case when she did nothing to grieve the introduction of 2 proffers AFTER the company had already declared a pull down in flying and Haneda was going away. EVERYONE to a MAN (woman) predicted this would happen and she discounted it.

When they RIFed last time the most junior at JFK had to serve 2 months in a row of reserve and they were pissed off. It's contractual but it should be if you voluntarily took a transfer to a different base or division you have to serve reserve if your seniority dictates, not if you were involuntarily put to a different division. Nasca is trying to make them feel like there is hope that the reserve list will alsready have people set to do their scheduled reserve month who are junior, both TWA and not, so maybe they can hold off.

There's a lawsuit brewing.

Very well said. I called Nasca myself when we where having all these proffers to JFK to complain.

She gave me one hour lecture of why she couldn't do anything about it.
I agree with the petition going around; it's not fair for people to have to serve reserve twice when
they are force back to domestic. APFA or I should say AAPFAA. Another useless union
on the property. I wish there was a way to decetify this useless union. But the majority
of the membership is more interested in buying their prescription drugs without prescription
in South America then paying attention to issues that really matter.
I have been a union member all my career; which is close to 25 years.
Am beginning to question what is the point of a union? When you can't tell
the difference between the company and the union.
For all that talk about bad labor relations at AMR it's a joke.
Yes there is bad labor relations but it is between the company/union as one
toward the employees. Stop believing all that crap about solidarity the union and
the company are one. Too bad I can't stop paying my dues. Can you believe
that if I stop paying my dues I can be fire. Wow is this a democracy or what.
I have to pay dues so these idiots can work from home. Get an expense account
Etc, etc and some of them do union work so they never have to serve reserve.
I say fire them all.
In other words, fortunately we have the stapled former TWA flight attendants to cushion the fall.

Some unity, I'd expect more sensitivity from a union rep.
Well it's a fact. If you have a 15,000 or 16,000 seniority number, you are junior, no matter how you got it! It is what it is....I gotta say... at least you have a job!!! Now move on already....
I too understand your frustration. I have a little over 20 years seniority and I am still on reserve and believe me I know what a financial hardship it is serve reserve 3 months a year. You do have your points here because it is true that the senior people that do not have to do reserve have no compassion for those that do...and I do not believe that bull about how they sat straight reserve for months. It could never add up to the 20 years that I have done! With that said, I do not blame the union on the situation because they represent everyone and each contract they address as many issues as they can from a variety of view points. You may not like everything that the APFA does but believe me if it weren't for them your life would be much, much worse off.

Very well said. I called Nasca myself when we where having all these proffers to JFK to complain.

She gave me one hour lecture of why she couldn't do anything about it.
I agree with the petition going around; it's not fair for people to have to serve reserve twice when
they are force back to domestic. APFA or I should say AAPFAA. Another useless union
on the property. I wish there was a way to decetify this useless union. But the majority
of the membership is more interested in buying their prescription drugs without prescription
in South America then paying attention to issues that really matter.
I have been a union member all my career; which is close to 25 years.
Am beginning to question what is the point of a union? When you can't tell
the difference between the company and the union.
For all that talk about bad labor relations at AMR it's a joke.
Yes there is bad labor relations but it is between the company/union as one
toward the employees. Stop believing all that crap about solidarity the union and
the company are one. Too bad I can't stop paying my dues. Can you believe
that if I stop paying my dues I can be fire. Wow is this a democracy or what.
I have to pay dues so these idiots can work from home. Get an expense account
Etc, etc and some of them do union work so they never have to serve reserve.
I say fire them all.