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Minimum Threshold Flying

I know it's true' at least at DFW it is. There are hundreds of FSC's at DFW who CS off 90% of their hours in order to work at or run their own business's. Mostly landscaping and construction type business's.

Then you should be more outraged at whats going on in your own backyard than whatever the FAs have going on.

AA has tried to crack down on it in the past. But for whatever reason it still continues, and as long as the shifts are covered they really don't get to excited about it.

They dont really care because they pass the costs of the benifits onto us. They get yes votes for any concessionary deal that maintains benifits and we pay for it. The fix for it would be simple, only hire college kids or no more PTs. Having PTs saves the company money but costs us money in several ways.
Increased benifit costs
Less OT
Lower wages

It also makes it harder to travel on your passes.