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Jetblue Work Rule Questions


May 11, 2003
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I have an interview on October 14th with jetBlue and wanted to ask a few questions concerning work rules. Can any of the Blue Crew shed some light on

1. How does your reserve system work?

2. On average how many days off a month can you expect as a line holder.

3. Can you volunteer to fly high time?

4. How long till you can transfer to FLL of LGB as an F/O

More questions to come but I will start with these. Thanks in advance to anyone who answers.

Helmsmen :up:
resrve works like this,
12 days off per month. Days on reserve are 12 hours on 12hours rest. 2 hour call out. Call the night before to usually get your assignments.

I average 90 hour line with 15 day off per month. I am a 6 month FO,

You can go into the open time pot and sign up for any open trips they have via a program calledFLICA. you get the answer usally in a couple hours.

Transfer to FLL can take a month or two. LGB is just getting going so it is hard to tell right now. Best of luck -Banger

Thanks for the info I appreciate it. I am looking forward to the interview on the 14th. jetBlue is my number one choice of places to work since my furlough from
AA outfit that shall remain un-named.

Thanks again for the info.

Helmsmen :up: