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Pillots and Flight attendants: Uniforms and Footwear [HELP]


Nov 11, 2016
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I am a student of Nova-School of Business and Economics and I am finalizing my masters by conducting an internationalization project to the US of a Portuguese company which sells footwear to aviation professionals, SKYPRO.
Therefore, i am conducting some benchmarking and trying to understand how aviation supplying works in the US, in relation to the fact of whether airlines grant crewmembers (commercial pilots and flight attendants) regarding uniforms and shoes.

But first indicate if you are a pilot or flight attendant.

1- So, what i would really appreciate if you could give me some feedback regarding:

2- Does Jet Blue offers uniform (Clothing) to pilots and flight attendants?

3- Does Jet Blue offers shoes to pilots and flight attendants?

4- If NO to the questions above, where do you buy uniforms and shoes?

5- If no to Q2 and Q3, does JetBlue have a recommendation list for your uniforms and shoes?

6- What is the price range you, as a flight attendant/commercial pilot, have to spend in shoes to work?

I really need your help!
Thank you in advance!